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Showing posts from October, 2010

Oh my....I have A LOT to say!

My goodness what has happened to my week! Monday feels like ages ago and Friday still seems like a dream! Let's start with the BEST news of the week........Bryson ended his soccer season with a BANG! 2 goals in the net tonight with a total of 4 for the season!! I am sooo proud of him and all of his Blue Dog teammates. I wish the season wasn't over because he has grown so much in the last few weeks and I hope he is able to maintain his new found skills till the Spring. Also Congratulations to the Warrior Soccer Team....pretty sure they came in 2nd in the Conference tonight!! I feel like I have only accomplished running around all week.....for instance we just walked in the door at 9:15. I know a couple of weeks ago I wanted to be busy and not sit around and boy did that dream come true. I feel like work has not been productive or successful all week with multiple meetings, field trips, testing, and the health fair. And tomorrow holds more meetings and the Fall Festival, so it ...

What a wonderful, waiting weekend :)

What a weekend to be in the GREAT state of North Carolina! There are a few heavenly treasures buried right around us in and near Statesville! We have experienced a few of the highlights this weekend. Friday kicked off the annual Balloon Rally in Statesville (they now call it a Festival, but that is not what I grew up calling it). This is an event that is one of Statesville's finest and the weather cooperated beautifully, so that it shined even brighter when the 1st balloon arose! Bryson and I parked across the rode from the airport's runway so that we had a perfect view for the 40+ hot air balloons that were in flight. Bryson was very anxious because he couldn't remember exactly what they looked like from last year and I of course made a big deal about because I have many cherished childhood memories from this event and I hope he will too. They floated right over our heads and some onto Interstate 40! My mom met us at our look out spot to capture the floating wonders as wel... it really just Wednesday?!?

Oh my, I am not sure why I thought this was going to be a slow week at work because for the past 3 days I have looked at the clock and it has been 2:00 or after! Grades were due today for me, so that has been a MAJOR on the to-do list, but they are thankfully posted and off of my list! MAYBE tomorrow and Friday will be a little slower, I can only hope. I should be cleaning the house instead of writing, but I need a minute to sit! My sweet boy played an EXCELLENT soccer game last night with a last minute goal for the Blue Dogs. He had an EXCELLENT cheering section as well. He really listened to Brooks about playing defense. I see him starting to grasp the concept of soccer more each game, which makes me very happy.....considering I am not sure if Brooks would be able to handle it, if Bryson doesn't pursue soccer. As most of you know Brooks is the JV Soccer Coach for West and LOVES the sport with great passion. I am proud of him though because he said he doesn't want...

The middle of October.......

Another Fall, October weekend has come and is quickly going. Another weekend at home and I must say....I can't take it much more! I told Brooks this morning, when we were ALL grumpy, that I think we have had a little too much down time at home. We have not been to the beach since Labor Day and for us that is VERY unusual and I think it is starting to take its toll on my nerves. Please know that I realize how fortunate we are to have some where fun and free to go on the weekends. Although when we are at the beach we don't do much, it's still a break from home and I need a break SOON!   The boys went to the race Friday night and Bryson slept after about lap 30, but it was still fun for him to be able to experience that type of race. I went out with a friend to the Olive Garden and we had a fun time catching up on some things. Yesterday, the boys got haircuts, we went to a party at the park, and we went to the soccer complex to see o...

I am not sure where this may go......

There are many things running through my mind. Nothing in particular that sticks out as good, great, terrible or bad. Its been a good week thus far. Work has been steady and productive and IEPs are in full swing! The house has managed to stay straight, laundry caught up, and we have cooked every night (that's impressive for soccer season). Bryson and I went for a swim tonight and I must say, I love watching him swim underwater like a BIG boy. I still can't believe how far he has come since the middle of June and I am so proud that we set the goal to teach him how to swim and that we have been able to maintain all he has learned by swimming weekly. I just put him to bed and read him a story. It was a short Halloween book, but he was able to reread most of the book to me, which again makes me sooo happy and thankful for that blue eyed, blonde headed boy. So this is where I think I am suppose to go with this.......Zahra Baker is heavy on my mind and heart an...

A weekend at the Derting's!

FINALLY! We have had a BUSY weekend and everything seems to be back NORMAL! We have been running all weekend, which is exactly the way I like it! We got up early yesterday to go to Carowinds, to get a little more use out of our season passes. Bryson asked as soon as we got up...are we going to Bojangles for breakfast, like we always do? So yes we went for our normal breakfast trip before Carowinds. We got to the park when they opened and I walked straight onto the INTIMIDATOR and it did not disappoint! It felt GREAT riding the 3 minute 33 second ride with the brisk fall air hitting my face so hard that I had tears! I also, got to sit in the front row, one of the perks of being a single rider, I guess. Then we went to Snoopy land and rode everything there including the wooden roller coaster. I even have to say that Brooks rode the wooden coaster twice and the little yellow coaster, which is HUGE for him because he usually gets sick. Bryson and Brooks did the haunted house and...

All About the Deane's: HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY

This blog is dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Micah Deane on their 5th Wedding Anniversary!!! Where to start? Well, let's go back about 10 years ago before Micah met Emily. Micah was mine and Brooks' boyfriend (I called him the 3rd wheel). Micah went everywhere with us......out to eat (we really liked HOPS), he went to Charlotte with us to look at car audio stuff about every weekend (you should ask Micah about some of our drives through Charlotte), we took several trips to the beach, and the boys always played with their RC cars in Stony Point on Friday nights. And then Micah meet his love at the RW! He spotted her through the big glass windows and it was love at first sight. This was sometime in April 2002 (I think)...Micah went with us to the beach for Easter that year, but couldn't wait to get home to see Emily. So our three-some turned into a four-some!!! We share many memories with the Deane's since they started dating.......our favorite restaurant was Rock Ola (E and...


I am very glad that this 1st week of October is almost over, that means that we are closer to Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I am HOPEFUL that the next few weeks will go as smoothly as this one and maybe as quick too! The week has been good and very productive at work. Home is a little different since we have been on a soccer field, of some sort, every night, but I am HOPEFUL that my house will get back to normal this weekend when I clear the piles of clean clothes and put away the clean dishes. I am looking forward to a FUN weekend with the boys....we decided to stay home and go to Carowinds!! I am HOPEFUL that the  Intimidator  will not disappoint! We went to the doctor today, just for a final check-up and it makes me very HOPEFUL that this is pretty much over and it will soon be time to evaluate whether or not to do it again ;) The doctor seemed very positive and HOPEFUL that everything will be fine, if we try again! My mom makes me very HOPEFUL because ...

What a difference a week makes.....

What a great, fun, exciting, fantastic day!!!!! I had my 1st of the year, formal observation, this morning and my kiddos did GREAT!! We ordered lunch, as a staff, from Chick-Fil-A to support the Sherrill family!!! Almost cleared my to-do list today (it will be clear tomorrow)!!! Went to Bryson's game to find Brooks waiting for us with a new Vera Bradley pocketbook!!! Bryson scored, his proud mommy, a GOAL and I don't think I have ever been more excited!!! It's pizza night with the Deane's!!! And Teen Mom at 10!!! WOW! Look what a week can do! I am going to make it short and sweet today.....I am so glad that we are a week beyond this sad time in our lives. I have realized with everyday that goes by, I become a little stronger. Although there are still a few times that I have caught myself questioning and wondering why, I just have to keep moving because time is the only thing that is going to make this sad time fade. Very thankful and grateful for a fantastic day an...

Our 13th "dating" anniversary....

It all started 13th years ago on a Friday, mid-afternoon, standing on the 2nd floor of West Iredell High School near the (what use to be) computer labs, our junior year. Brooks was at the end of the hallway and I was at one of the classroom doors...I think that he was about to be late for class and I was about to go into my class....he said to me, "I know your phone number" and I said "yeah, what is it" and he recited my home phone number because (as hard as it is to believe) cell phones had not made their HUGE technological debut at the time. My reply to him was, why don't you use it sometime. So that night a friend and I went to the football game at Bunker Hill and on the way home I, for some reason, stopped by his house. When I left that night he hugged and kissed me goodnight...and I still can see this scene in my head, I had butterflies that night, and something told me that it was meant to be. So that night he used my phone number and called me, we ta...

Where to start...

I am not sure today! It's not a bad day, but it's not the best day, maybe just a blah you ever have those days? Nothing stands out as great, but nothing as terrible either. Brooks and I had fun last night. We went to the Melting Pot and it was delicious!! If you have never been, I highly recommend!! Also, I recommend that you don't do the whole meal....the past couple of times we have gone we have only gotten a salad (which they have the BEST dressing that I have ever found), then we do the cheese fondue, and then we get the chocolate fondue. We have found that this way you are not stuffed by the time the chocolates come, but yet you are still full when you leave. This is also, $50 cheaper than getting the "Big Night Out"....I don't like meat that much anyways, so Brooks usually eats most of the meats when we do the whole meal, so it is well worth just getting 3 for us. Afterwards we went to Concord Mills and did some shopping and Brooks even tried ...

Did you sense my negativity yesterday?

I did and I don't like it! I don't like going to bed with bad things running through my mind. I don't like thinking that 10 weeks ago everything was fine and another child was just a question. Is it bad that I want to turn back time and erase this whole thing? I think, in my thoughts, last year at this time we were happy without a care in the world, then winter, spring, and most of the summer went the same way and now this. My problem is I can't stop questioning why we did this....were we 100% sure that we wanted another baby, I can't answer yes to that because I don't know if we were. Were we trying so that Bryson would have a sibling because we thought he needed one, maybe. Did we do it because I was tired of the questions....when are you going to have another one, perhaps. Did it happen because having more than one is the norm, you tell me, is it? Was there anything wrong with the way we were before, NO! Were we happy, YES! Am I sad now that 10 weeks has dras...

Some firsts for the 1st of October.....

I experienced many firsts today on this 1st day of October. I should start by saying that I am very glad that I have turned my calendar over to a month that looks better and brighter than the last. For some reason September has never been my favorite month and right now it's falling at the bottom of the list.We are entering one of my favorite times of the year and I am very optimistic that it will bring fun times and great memories just as the last few months of the year always do. I went to work today and I am happy that the 1st day back is over....I will never face this day again. It wasn't a bad day, many people shared their thoughts, shared their hugs, their love, their smiles and that was all ok! This morning I had my 1st breakfast of champions since finding out....I have been eating fruit loops and drinking orange juice every morning since school started, so today I had it for the 1st time (go figure it tasted the same). I wore a long sleeve shirt for the 1st...