There are many things running through my mind. Nothing in particular that sticks out as good, great, terrible or bad. Its been a good week thus far. Work has been steady and productive and IEPs are in full swing! The house has managed to stay straight, laundry caught up, and we have cooked every night (that's impressive for soccer season). Bryson and I went for a swim tonight and I must say, I love watching him swim underwater like a BIG boy. I still can't believe how far he has come since the middle of June and I am so proud that we set the goal to teach him how to swim and that we have been able to maintain all he has learned by swimming weekly. I just put him to bed and read him a story. It was a short Halloween book, but he was able to reread most of the book to me, which again makes me sooo happy and thankful for that blue eyed, blonde headed boy.
So this is where I think I am suppose to go with this.......Zahra Baker is heavy on my mind and heart and I can't believe that ANYONE, especially a parent could do the unspeakable! Bryson makes our lives complete. When he makes me mad, he smiles back at me, and mad turns to glad. Glad because I know that no matter what he does, I could never harm him in the way that this sweet girl was obviously harmed. I don't get it! WHY? There are so many people out there that would kill to have a child, not kill a child. There are many out there that have lost children for reasons beyond their control and someone who is just ignorant and oblivious to a child's innocence has destroyed her life. This story makes me terribly sad for this precious child and for her despicable parents!
I pray that anyone that has not taken the time to look at their surroundings, no matter how big or small, no matter if there is new stuff or old stuff, take just a moment to realize that you don't have it as bad as some. I am so thankful, grateful, and blessed to know that I have Brooks, Bryson, our families, a house with lights, water, and food, a job that I love daily, EVERYTHING, everything that I could possibly need and so does Bryson. He doesn't know what it means to do without because he to is very blessed nor does he know what real, harsh punishment is. Yes, he may go to time out a couple (sometimes a few) times a day and I may raise my voice when he has pushed me to the limit, but he will never know the pain that a 10 year old girl in Hickory, NC had to endure. We have to remember when we come across new faces, they all may not be as fortunate as we are and we must be able to open our eyes to see if someone is in need of help before something tragic happens.
So I will end with this: say a prayer for Zahra.....that where ever she is, she is in peace and if she has made her way to Heaven, at least she is pain free now. Remember to look around and be thankful for everything that our full lives have and be willing to give or share if you come across someone not as fortunate. Be grateful that your child goes to sleep at night without worries of abuse or fears of repercussions. Be thankful, grateful, and blessed everyday for we all have more than most throughout this big world! Prayers and love for all in need!!!
So this is where I think I am suppose to go with this.......Zahra Baker is heavy on my mind and heart and I can't believe that ANYONE, especially a parent could do the unspeakable! Bryson makes our lives complete. When he makes me mad, he smiles back at me, and mad turns to glad. Glad because I know that no matter what he does, I could never harm him in the way that this sweet girl was obviously harmed. I don't get it! WHY? There are so many people out there that would kill to have a child, not kill a child. There are many out there that have lost children for reasons beyond their control and someone who is just ignorant and oblivious to a child's innocence has destroyed her life. This story makes me terribly sad for this precious child and for her despicable parents!
I pray that anyone that has not taken the time to look at their surroundings, no matter how big or small, no matter if there is new stuff or old stuff, take just a moment to realize that you don't have it as bad as some. I am so thankful, grateful, and blessed to know that I have Brooks, Bryson, our families, a house with lights, water, and food, a job that I love daily, EVERYTHING, everything that I could possibly need and so does Bryson. He doesn't know what it means to do without because he to is very blessed nor does he know what real, harsh punishment is. Yes, he may go to time out a couple (sometimes a few) times a day and I may raise my voice when he has pushed me to the limit, but he will never know the pain that a 10 year old girl in Hickory, NC had to endure. We have to remember when we come across new faces, they all may not be as fortunate as we are and we must be able to open our eyes to see if someone is in need of help before something tragic happens.
So I will end with this: say a prayer for Zahra.....that where ever she is, she is in peace and if she has made her way to Heaven, at least she is pain free now. Remember to look around and be thankful for everything that our full lives have and be willing to give or share if you come across someone not as fortunate. Be grateful that your child goes to sleep at night without worries of abuse or fears of repercussions. Be thankful, grateful, and blessed everyday for we all have more than most throughout this big world! Prayers and love for all in need!!!