My goodness what has happened to my week! Monday feels like ages ago and Friday still seems like a dream! Let's start with the BEST news of the week........Bryson ended his soccer season with a BANG! 2 goals in the net tonight with a total of 4 for the season!! I am sooo proud of him and all of his Blue Dog teammates. I wish the season wasn't over because he has grown so much in the last few weeks and I hope he is able to maintain his new found skills till the Spring. Also Congratulations to the Warrior Soccer Team....pretty sure they came in 2nd in the Conference tonight!!
I feel like I have only accomplished running around all week.....for instance we just walked in the door at 9:15. I know a couple of weeks ago I wanted to be busy and not sit around and boy did that dream come true. I feel like work has not been productive or successful all week with multiple meetings, field trips, testing, and the health fair. And tomorrow holds more meetings and the Fall Festival, so it will be another long one. However I have to remember to be thankful and grateful that the scary tornadoes and nasty weather this week did not have an impact on my family as it did others close by.
I am a little frustrated by actions, discussions, and certain situations that I have encountered this week. I am not sure if its me because my nerves are shot and patience are long gone or if its because everyone is stressed, me included. This is not meant for anyone in particular, so please don't be offended by my thoughts and negative feelings for the week. I am bothered because I feel that we often think that our own problems, issues, and situations are much worse than those around us. We find ourselves searching impatiently for solutions to our problems without considerations of others. I don't know what it is like to walk in your shoes or the burdens that your shoulders carry nor do you know mine, so lets stop pretending that life is suppose to be fair and everything is suppose to be equal because we both know that its not. We are all guilty of thinking that our problems are bigger than others when in all essence they probably aren't. Please mind your own business and worry about solving your problems instead of creating more for me or anyone else. Often if we would just do what is asked of us instead of finding ways around it or finding others to blame for it, we could have already accomplished the task at hand. Again this is not directed at any one person in particular, its just some things that have crossed my mind frequently this week on more than one occasion with more than one person and I feel the need to share.
Ok......enough Alysha......negativity only makes life miserable! I need to continually remind myself (especially this week) that my life could be much more difficult. As we were under the tornado warning at 10:45, Tuesday night, huddled in the hallway, praying that the supposed funnel cloud that was less than a mile from our house would steer clear of me and my family. That night I was truly living in the moment and for the present time because we didn't know what was coming next. A tornado could have easily uprooted our home and blown away everything that we have in seconds as it did for many around us this week. I got Bryson up and put him in the bed with us because I couldn't sleep knowing that although he is across the a tornadic situation that could mean we could have been ripped apart by one gust of wind. Granted we didn't get much sleep with a kicking 4 year old (awesome soccer player) and the wind that seemed to be howling outside our windows, but we were all together and that was all that mattered at the time. He was scared because he sensed my fear and he asked me if we could we pray to Jesus, pray that he would stop all the storms, keep our house safe, watch over the animals and keep all the people safe.......WOW! I love that boy!
So I end with this challenge for the weekend: lets take responsibility for ourselves, our actions, our consequences and lets stop trying to find ways to blame others, stop trying to make life equal because its not and it never will be, remember to look around because there is always going to be someone worse off than you and me. Before pointing the finger of blame in the opposite direction figure out if you could make a difference by staying out of it, if its not your business, see if you could make a difference by helping that person with their challenges instead of belittling them while they are trying! Let's all try really hard to at least recognize when we are in such situations.......
Have a FANTASTIC Friday, a SCARY Saturday (if that is when you will be trick-or-treating), and a BLESSED Sunday!!! Love you no matter what!! Alysha
I feel like I have only accomplished running around all week.....for instance we just walked in the door at 9:15. I know a couple of weeks ago I wanted to be busy and not sit around and boy did that dream come true. I feel like work has not been productive or successful all week with multiple meetings, field trips, testing, and the health fair. And tomorrow holds more meetings and the Fall Festival, so it will be another long one. However I have to remember to be thankful and grateful that the scary tornadoes and nasty weather this week did not have an impact on my family as it did others close by.
I am a little frustrated by actions, discussions, and certain situations that I have encountered this week. I am not sure if its me because my nerves are shot and patience are long gone or if its because everyone is stressed, me included. This is not meant for anyone in particular, so please don't be offended by my thoughts and negative feelings for the week. I am bothered because I feel that we often think that our own problems, issues, and situations are much worse than those around us. We find ourselves searching impatiently for solutions to our problems without considerations of others. I don't know what it is like to walk in your shoes or the burdens that your shoulders carry nor do you know mine, so lets stop pretending that life is suppose to be fair and everything is suppose to be equal because we both know that its not. We are all guilty of thinking that our problems are bigger than others when in all essence they probably aren't. Please mind your own business and worry about solving your problems instead of creating more for me or anyone else. Often if we would just do what is asked of us instead of finding ways around it or finding others to blame for it, we could have already accomplished the task at hand. Again this is not directed at any one person in particular, its just some things that have crossed my mind frequently this week on more than one occasion with more than one person and I feel the need to share.
Ok......enough Alysha......negativity only makes life miserable! I need to continually remind myself (especially this week) that my life could be much more difficult. As we were under the tornado warning at 10:45, Tuesday night, huddled in the hallway, praying that the supposed funnel cloud that was less than a mile from our house would steer clear of me and my family. That night I was truly living in the moment and for the present time because we didn't know what was coming next. A tornado could have easily uprooted our home and blown away everything that we have in seconds as it did for many around us this week. I got Bryson up and put him in the bed with us because I couldn't sleep knowing that although he is across the a tornadic situation that could mean we could have been ripped apart by one gust of wind. Granted we didn't get much sleep with a kicking 4 year old (awesome soccer player) and the wind that seemed to be howling outside our windows, but we were all together and that was all that mattered at the time. He was scared because he sensed my fear and he asked me if we could we pray to Jesus, pray that he would stop all the storms, keep our house safe, watch over the animals and keep all the people safe.......WOW! I love that boy!
So I end with this challenge for the weekend: lets take responsibility for ourselves, our actions, our consequences and lets stop trying to find ways to blame others, stop trying to make life equal because its not and it never will be, remember to look around because there is always going to be someone worse off than you and me. Before pointing the finger of blame in the opposite direction figure out if you could make a difference by staying out of it, if its not your business, see if you could make a difference by helping that person with their challenges instead of belittling them while they are trying! Let's all try really hard to at least recognize when we are in such situations.......
Have a FANTASTIC Friday, a SCARY Saturday (if that is when you will be trick-or-treating), and a BLESSED Sunday!!! Love you no matter what!! Alysha