I've been thinking because that is all I have to do.......I like numbers and I like to make things make sense in number form. I don't like math, so it's odd that I have this obsession with numbers, but I do. My favorite, I guess you could call it lucky number, is 44!!! Love this number, this number has been around for me for a long time. It's in my license tag, it was my teller number at the bank, it just follows me everywhere. I am not sure why, but if I see this number somewhere I know it's going to be a good day.
So anyways enough about my number, here are some more number thingys that I find in my life to be interesting....in 1995, October to be exact I lost my grandmother, then in December (same year) I lost my grandfather and great grandfather. This was a tough year, it was my freshman year of high school and it started out really bad and my mother still continued to make me play in the stupid band, which sticks out as something terrible from that year too. So 5 years later in 2000, I really can't think of anything that sticks out as being bad or a loss or anything worth noting...so fast forward 5 more years. January 2005 was a good month, good things happening, getting married in 6 months and then came February. Brooks had been having problems with his hip, it was hurting for several months, no one could find a cause or reason...he just had pain. We were sent to Baptist and they seemed optimistic, not a big deal, do surgery, remove it, go home the same day. So being the carefree 23 year old that I once was I went with him to Baptist that day, no change of clothes, no toothbrush, nothing but papers to grade and homework to work on. He had surgery on Feb. 17th (keep this number in mind b/c you will see it again ;)). This day turned out to be HORRIBLE! Not only was surgery way longer than planned, he nor I went home that day. Turns out there was cancer in his hip, but THANKFULLY they removed it all and he didn't need any other type of treatment. He spent several days there, not one like planned, and when he got home I took care of him for at least a month b/c he couldn't. This is when I think our marriage really began although we had not said I do, yet. There was even a question as to whether he would have to walk down the aisle on June 11th with crutches. But we made it through, he is able to coach and play soccer now as if it never happened, so this is one of our MANY blessings. So we got married, went to Hawaii (which was amazing) and got pregnant while we were there! Bryson was due March 15th 2006, 9 months, 4 days after we got married. So here is another number thingy for you...I got preeclampsia and was admitted to the hospital on Valentine's of 06. Bryson came the next day and he was PERFECT, not one problem! And we brought our bundle of joy home on Feb. 17th of 06.....remember that number, the year before was a terrible day and we trusted that that day would be better and a year later it was, it was a GREAT day! So now we are in 2010...so far a good year, nothing major has happened until this week. I refuse to say the word, but our baby that was in my belly went to live with baby Jesus this week. So I feel as if God knows what our family can handle and he trusts that every 5-10 years we are ready to deal with something more difficult. I know that he knows once we have dealt with this difficult thing, he is going to give us something GREAT! So for now, we wait!!!
Can you believe that all started because of numbers, whew I need a break ;) Much love to you!
So anyways enough about my number, here are some more number thingys that I find in my life to be interesting....in 1995, October to be exact I lost my grandmother, then in December (same year) I lost my grandfather and great grandfather. This was a tough year, it was my freshman year of high school and it started out really bad and my mother still continued to make me play in the stupid band, which sticks out as something terrible from that year too. So 5 years later in 2000, I really can't think of anything that sticks out as being bad or a loss or anything worth noting...so fast forward 5 more years. January 2005 was a good month, good things happening, getting married in 6 months and then came February. Brooks had been having problems with his hip, it was hurting for several months, no one could find a cause or reason...he just had pain. We were sent to Baptist and they seemed optimistic, not a big deal, do surgery, remove it, go home the same day. So being the carefree 23 year old that I once was I went with him to Baptist that day, no change of clothes, no toothbrush, nothing but papers to grade and homework to work on. He had surgery on Feb. 17th (keep this number in mind b/c you will see it again ;)). This day turned out to be HORRIBLE! Not only was surgery way longer than planned, he nor I went home that day. Turns out there was cancer in his hip, but THANKFULLY they removed it all and he didn't need any other type of treatment. He spent several days there, not one like planned, and when he got home I took care of him for at least a month b/c he couldn't. This is when I think our marriage really began although we had not said I do, yet. There was even a question as to whether he would have to walk down the aisle on June 11th with crutches. But we made it through, he is able to coach and play soccer now as if it never happened, so this is one of our MANY blessings. So we got married, went to Hawaii (which was amazing) and got pregnant while we were there! Bryson was due March 15th 2006, 9 months, 4 days after we got married. So here is another number thingy for you...I got preeclampsia and was admitted to the hospital on Valentine's of 06. Bryson came the next day and he was PERFECT, not one problem! And we brought our bundle of joy home on Feb. 17th of 06.....remember that number, the year before was a terrible day and we trusted that that day would be better and a year later it was, it was a GREAT day! So now we are in 2010...so far a good year, nothing major has happened until this week. I refuse to say the word, but our baby that was in my belly went to live with baby Jesus this week. So I feel as if God knows what our family can handle and he trusts that every 5-10 years we are ready to deal with something more difficult. I know that he knows once we have dealt with this difficult thing, he is going to give us something GREAT! So for now, we wait!!!
Can you believe that all started because of numbers, whew I need a break ;) Much love to you!