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Showing posts from 2023

a coach’s wife.

 post #4 of #6 for the 2023 year.  this topic is going to be touchy, not well received-i am certain by some-and possibly controversial. thats your warning.... i make blog posts for an outlet, started 13 years ago as a healing outlet, lead to a sharing outlet, has dwindled over the years, but the purpose has ALWAYS been the outlet.  i want to start this one with a few pieces of background knowledge 1-because i am not new to this rodeo and 2-because i have learned over the years and reflected on situations that lead me to believe i have decent knowledge of this topic .. i am mostly a soccer mom...also a tennis mom and a cheer mom, but mostly a soccer mom (no secret in that), but before i was that. i was AND still am a coach’s  wife. you see brooks has coached longer than we have been married. he has coached for 20 years.....20 STRAIGHT years....its not like here or there or a fill in, its not like a season a year, its like multiple seasons a year, multiple te...

living intentional! (random thoughts)

 i have 2 topics looming over me and 4 blog posts to reach my goal for my 2023 vision board....i guess i will start with possibly the least controversial one.... it has to do with my 2023 vision board and the goals i laid out for the year! i think coming into the phase of life that i am currently in....40s, mom of an almost teen and an almost adult...things are just looking different. i had on my vision board the word intentional and although i am not certain i have done that word complete justice there have definitely been intentions in my vision this year.  i have made some changes on the home front, we have made some changes on the home front. i make laundry detergent, fast daily, bake bread weekly and we just purchased 1/4 of a grass fed cow! we have been intentional in certain things FOR SURE!  whats the need in this post, you ask. well it honestly is to raise question of what more can we be intentional about. what more can you be intentional about. i have said it mu...

a struggling senior mom.....

 happy tuesday!  as i reflect on my 2023 vision board there is one glaring thing i am behind on...blogging....and when i set goals i complete them so here i am! you will see me 5 more times this 2023 year to mark this off the board! i have a couple topics in my head, but being that it is summer---i am starting here. i am in the phase of summer slipping away and it makes me sad, but i have tried so hard this summer to enjoy, not rush and truly soak it in.  this has been a defining summer for me. bryson is weeks away from his senior year. and its HARD. possibly the hardest part i recall in this parenting journey. tears fill my eyes as i type as they have for weeks when i let myself think that this is it. it's almost over. this phase is nearing the end. and the next phase may hold sweet, precious times as well, but dang the not knowing hurts! i have tried my very best to be present. be in the moment. although then i have tears. again. i keep reliving all the small things, th...

minimalism & debt

 hey guys its that time again....our debt anniversary. many know my secret debt life, but i have started to realize that not only was that a testimony that i carry, but it does seem to be connected to minimalism-who knew.  when you start to live with less, it impacts many aspects of life. i have said before we dont live to keep up with the joneses. we dont need our home filled with things and unlimited amounts of clothes, shoes, purses, etc. no one does (sorry, truth hurts).  if you had asked me 11 years ago, when our lives changed drastically, if i wanted to be a minimalist, i would not have even known what that meant. it has been a journey that just continues to teach me. minimalism is a simple way of life that has to be embraced to work. (i really wish i could get my eating habits as solid as my minimalism)......but i do know it takes a lot of self discipline, constant work, you can't do it once and think it stays that way, its always evolving. (ex. i have taken 4 bags...