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living intentional! (random thoughts)

 i have 2 topics looming over me and 4 blog posts to reach my goal for my 2023 vision board....i guess i will start with possibly the least controversial one....

it has to do with my 2023 vision board and the goals i laid out for the year! i think coming into the phase of life that i am currently in....40s, mom of an almost teen and an almost adult...things are just looking different. i had on my vision board the word intentional and although i am not certain i have done that word complete justice there have definitely been intentions in my vision this year. 

i have made some changes on the home front, we have made some changes on the home front. i make laundry detergent, fast daily, bake bread weekly and we just purchased 1/4 of a grass fed cow! we have been intentional in certain things FOR SURE! 

whats the need in this post, you ask. well it honestly is to raise question of what more can we be intentional about. what more can you be intentional about. i have said it multiple times....i thrive to live minimal. i don't want things. i don't want my kids wanting "things". i do want things that are meaningful and NEEDED! but meaningless, taking up space things are not necessary. there is intent in that!

i want for my kids to live a clean life....clean spaces, clean mind and somewhat clean eating. 

i am not there on the last one believe me, but there have been changes and they are evident. i have been fasting 15-18 hours almost daily since january! that was a piece on my vision board, the actual word was calories, but i have seen research on that and its not really about calories like we have been led to believe. its kind of like friends, i would rather have quality over quantity. putting less crap in your body no matter the calorie count is a positive thing! there is intent in that. 

cleaning with less chemicals is a positive thing! 

cutting out people that are negative, not beneficial to you or an intentional mindset, is a positive thing!

i am not really sure what has lead the change over the last year, but the lens is just clearer of whats needed, whats important and how we are truly meant to live. 

i know this post is all over the place and possibly makes no sense at all, but my main goal for sharing was to say....try being intentional. try doing things in a cleaner way. there are plenty other things that could be cleaned up in life and i am open to suggestions....please share

also, this post is important for me because i have a goal and when i set goals, i complete them! (even if its terrible content---sorry)

all in all, i hope you are well, i hope you are ready for the upcoming holidays, lets try to be more intentional with our holiday time! 

sorry for the random thoughts, much love, alysha 

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