It is hard to imagine what life was a week ago.....think back it was Tuesday, some of us were on Spring Break, some were working a normal workday, life was good, no chaos, no panic.....and now 7 short days later, there is chaos, there are many unknowns, life is changed forever from the way we lived 7 days ago....yes, things will hopefully return to normal, sooner than later (we pray), but we are changed by this, this is a new life....
I feel the need to document the current events because its like nothing I have ever lived, my kids have never encountered, most of my go to people are living this day to day just like me.....we are in uncharted waters.....the plans we even made Saturday are changed...last week we thought we could schedule weeks to months out, but now our lives are changing quickly.....we can no longer plan for days, we are living in minutes at the moment.
We were supposed to have a teacher workday yesterday, which we did, but it went nothing like it was supposed to, nothing that I thought would happen this is week, is going to happen.....and I am okay for the most part with this new-ness of weird-ness....I am okay, staying home and hanging out with the kids....watching Dennis the Menace, getting back to working out (totally blew that last week) at home, eating at a decent time....I am not okay with the unknown, the broken heart of no regional math expo, no 8th grade DC trip.....those things make me sad, sad because its weird, its hard to explain, its hard to understand....but mostly I am heartbroken for the milestone kids...
I have one....a milestone kid, he isn't a senior in high school or college, but its a big milestone year (in my eyes).....we are moving from middle school to high school in what we thought would be August, we are now possibly moving there without even finishing middle school. (I am crying, again)....I get it, there are much bigger things in life, much bigger things happening right now to others in this uncertainty....but for me in this moment, this is me, I am living with my 14 year old not going on a school trip to DC, not competing in the district robotics competition, most likely not finishing his 8th grade soccer season (and I am so mad I did not force him to take a pic at one of the games he's already played....but who freaking knew?!?!).....probably not having an 8th grade graduation..I know all of these are not completely canceled, but it does not look good....and I also know there are bigger things happening.....just documenting my heart at the moment.....
I also know there are others out there hurting for some of the same things.....I cant imagine having a senior, I am a freaking mess with an 8th grader.....I am sorry to you moms, dads and grads, I am sorry because it is heartbreaking losing these precious milestone memories with no real warning! Possibly no prom, no graduation, no senior trips, I am certain your list is endless......I am also sorry to those last year of preschool parents, kinder parents and 5th grade parents! Milestone kids are being robbed of many joyful times currently!
As I said before, I get it, I know there are more things in life to focus on at the moment...I know that others had awesome spring break plans scheduled, Easter celebrations, birthdays, weddings, it is a sad, sad time.....but in this.....I HOPE I can overcome the tears sooner than later, I HOPE we can embrace this given gift of downtime, I HOPE that this sickness slows and stops spreading at the current rate, I HOPE and PRAY there are no more lives lost......
I know in the end there is a reason, there is a plan, its all a little blurry at the moment, but it will shine at the right time.....I also, know that these milestones we are missing are going to be replaced somehow with possibly even better memories then we could have imagined!
So for the time being, I am going to embrace this gift of time, snuggle my kiddos, do some (more) spring cleaning.....and make the best of this life changing situation....
I HOPE and PRAY you all stay well, EMBRACE whats been dealt, and find PEACE in our new life.....
Much Love, Alysha
I feel the need to document the current events because its like nothing I have ever lived, my kids have never encountered, most of my go to people are living this day to day just like me.....we are in uncharted waters.....the plans we even made Saturday are changed...last week we thought we could schedule weeks to months out, but now our lives are changing quickly.....we can no longer plan for days, we are living in minutes at the moment.
We were supposed to have a teacher workday yesterday, which we did, but it went nothing like it was supposed to, nothing that I thought would happen this is week, is going to happen.....and I am okay for the most part with this new-ness of weird-ness....I am okay, staying home and hanging out with the kids....watching Dennis the Menace, getting back to working out (totally blew that last week) at home, eating at a decent time....I am not okay with the unknown, the broken heart of no regional math expo, no 8th grade DC trip.....those things make me sad, sad because its weird, its hard to explain, its hard to understand....but mostly I am heartbroken for the milestone kids...
I have one....a milestone kid, he isn't a senior in high school or college, but its a big milestone year (in my eyes).....we are moving from middle school to high school in what we thought would be August, we are now possibly moving there without even finishing middle school. (I am crying, again)....I get it, there are much bigger things in life, much bigger things happening right now to others in this uncertainty....but for me in this moment, this is me, I am living with my 14 year old not going on a school trip to DC, not competing in the district robotics competition, most likely not finishing his 8th grade soccer season (and I am so mad I did not force him to take a pic at one of the games he's already played....but who freaking knew?!?!).....probably not having an 8th grade graduation..I know all of these are not completely canceled, but it does not look good....and I also know there are bigger things happening.....just documenting my heart at the moment.....
I also know there are others out there hurting for some of the same things.....I cant imagine having a senior, I am a freaking mess with an 8th grader.....I am sorry to you moms, dads and grads, I am sorry because it is heartbreaking losing these precious milestone memories with no real warning! Possibly no prom, no graduation, no senior trips, I am certain your list is endless......I am also sorry to those last year of preschool parents, kinder parents and 5th grade parents! Milestone kids are being robbed of many joyful times currently!
As I said before, I get it, I know there are more things in life to focus on at the moment...I know that others had awesome spring break plans scheduled, Easter celebrations, birthdays, weddings, it is a sad, sad time.....but in this.....I HOPE I can overcome the tears sooner than later, I HOPE we can embrace this given gift of downtime, I HOPE that this sickness slows and stops spreading at the current rate, I HOPE and PRAY there are no more lives lost......
I know in the end there is a reason, there is a plan, its all a little blurry at the moment, but it will shine at the right time.....I also, know that these milestones we are missing are going to be replaced somehow with possibly even better memories then we could have imagined!
So for the time being, I am going to embrace this gift of time, snuggle my kiddos, do some (more) spring cleaning.....and make the best of this life changing situation....
I HOPE and PRAY you all stay well, EMBRACE whats been dealt, and find PEACE in our new life.....
Much Love, Alysha