First, it has been way too long since I posted a blog.....I almost feel like I have forgotten how to write, so we will see how this goes...
I want to write about my new life that includes running.....I have tinkered with running for about 6 years now, but it has not been pretty, the most I have ever run until the last 6 months was 3 miles and those 3 miles were slow, awful, painful, annoying, etc.....It takes all I have to run......
When I started this journey it was to prove to myself that I could run 3 miles.....I accomplished that and had settled for that saying I would "never" run more than that, I am not a runner, I do it for the runners high I feel when I cross the finish line, but I truly never worked very hard at it.....35 mins was acceptable just to say I had run a 5k......BUT.......that is slowly, slowly, slowly changing.....
When I decided I was going to raise the bar and do 13.1 I had to find strength I didn't know I had, time that I didn't know existed, sacrifice that I didn't realize I needed.....running is a full time have to plan when you can have a long run (long run-for me is over 6 miles)....I had to map out how to truly get myself into some kind of shape to be able to do it, running had to be put on my calendar.....over time it has become life changing, something that I am scared everyday I can lose and it will all go is soooooo easy to say "I'll do it tomorrow" "I will run extra next week" "I will just run a couple today and do more later"........
I know for myself I can do anything, if I have a goal in front of me....I can make myself to do it, to accomplish all those years of 5ks that was that I have accomplished this goal, I want to keep going probably not a full marathon anytime in the next few years (I wont say never b/c that didnt work out last time).....but I would as crazy as it sounds like to do another 1/2.....soon......
Running has become something that I realize I truly need or I feel crappy and tend to be more grumpy....running is becoming a way of life for the Derting's....if you havent seen my husband lately....he is a bit of a speed racer that has lost about 30lbs (that kind of makes me sick) is not about weight for is about being a better, stronger person.... and if I lose (I would rather tone) then that is just a bonus....
My goal is to encourage others to be better for yourself.....want more for yourself.....want to be stronger and healthier for you!
------------------------Here are some memorable running flashbacks from this new life journey and a few highlights from my 1st half-marathon experience....I did try my very best to document as much as I could b/c I know that it was a once in a lifetime experience...I would probably (never) pay to do it again.....I was a little disappointed that only about 3 miles of the 13 were within the park.....the rest were back roads and parking here is the 8 month journey.....
When I started this journey it was to prove to myself that I could run 3 miles.....I accomplished that and had settled for that saying I would "never" run more than that, I am not a runner, I do it for the runners high I feel when I cross the finish line, but I truly never worked very hard at it.....35 mins was acceptable just to say I had run a 5k......BUT.......that is slowly, slowly, slowly changing.....
When I decided I was going to raise the bar and do 13.1 I had to find strength I didn't know I had, time that I didn't know existed, sacrifice that I didn't realize I needed.....running is a full time have to plan when you can have a long run (long run-for me is over 6 miles)....I had to map out how to truly get myself into some kind of shape to be able to do it, running had to be put on my calendar.....over time it has become life changing, something that I am scared everyday I can lose and it will all go is soooooo easy to say "I'll do it tomorrow" "I will run extra next week" "I will just run a couple today and do more later"........
I know for myself I can do anything, if I have a goal in front of me....I can make myself to do it, to accomplish all those years of 5ks that was that I have accomplished this goal, I want to keep going probably not a full marathon anytime in the next few years (I wont say never b/c that didnt work out last time).....but I would as crazy as it sounds like to do another 1/2.....soon......
Running has become something that I realize I truly need or I feel crappy and tend to be more grumpy....running is becoming a way of life for the Derting's....if you havent seen my husband lately....he is a bit of a speed racer that has lost about 30lbs (that kind of makes me sick) is not about weight for is about being a better, stronger person.... and if I lose (I would rather tone) then that is just a bonus....
My goal is to encourage others to be better for yourself.....want more for yourself.....want to be stronger and healthier for you!
------------------------Here are some memorable running flashbacks from this new life journey and a few highlights from my 1st half-marathon experience....I did try my very best to document as much as I could b/c I know that it was a once in a lifetime experience...I would probably (never) pay to do it again.....I was a little disappointed that only about 3 miles of the 13 were within the park.....the rest were back roads and parking here is the 8 month journey.....
April 22nd I waited patiently for the race to open
& registered quickly before it
sold out in 3 hours!
In May I started something new to add
to the challenge-
calorie counting! Still
do it daily!
As you can see from the cake, I still
eat things I really like :)
Time without the kids
turned into running dates!!
In June I tried speed training, I still really struggle
with running
is super hard for me!
When school started I worried I would lose
momentum, but I managed to accomplish my
longest run and 5 miles in under an
hour in September...
I ran my 1st 10k in late September.....
In October I continued through the wind & rain...
and started going to abs class
twice a week at the Y!!
He continued to push me to new limits...
6 miles on the beach in November!
Finally hit double digits the 1st week of December!!
2 days after Christmas, I hit the magic number
& hurt my knee in the process..
terrifying with 14 days until race days..
For the New Year, we ran a couple miles...
its a family affair!!
The finished product!
If I can, any one can!!!
Much Love, Alysha