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How 20 minute chores save my sanity!

I have been needing a positive topic to blog I decided since I have a little time today, I would share how I survive weekly by these little things called "20 minute chores".....I have posted before but its been awhile.....

Monday: Dust the whole house!

Tuesday: clean the bathrooms...wash sinks, scrub toilets, sweep and mop (my least favorite and hardest every week)

Wednesday: fold and put away clean clothes that have been patiently waiting on the living room couch since Saturday and/or Sunday & make a grocery list because Thursday is grocery day! Plan the meals for the upcoming week....... Friday night-Thursday night...breakfast, lunch and dinner included!

Thursday: ALWAYS grocery day.....cram it in wherever I can! Then sweep and mop the hardwoods and mop the kitchen. 

Friday: Vacuum the whole house!

Some Saturdays: wash sheets, do some laundry, fold and put away, and marvel in the fact that the rest of the house has been cleaned the week prior!

Sunday: I have started cleaning the laundry room/bathroom on this night, it is really quick much less than 10 minutes, but it has made it a little easier than doing 3 bathrooms on Tuesday night.....and the kitchen often needs another mop to start the week!

I set the timer on the stove and go at it for 20 interruptions!!! 

This has become a way of life for us for the past couple of is the only way that I am able to maintain keeping up with the house, working, soccer, the kids, Brooks, etc....

Also, if I miss a day...I usually just leave it till the next week, no sense in squeezing in 2 a will get done the following week....

My daily routine consists of every bed being made in the mornings, Bryson is really good at this and Britan is starting to practice more often....I also make sure the kitchen is cleaned dishes left in the sink and the counters and table are wiped down.....the kids also know when something comes out, it must go up....

Just another piece of my OCD!!

Happy Cleaning, Alysha

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