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Summer Wrap~Up!

Finally bringing myself to "wrap up summer".....this was the best summer I think I've ever had...we had lots fun, made many memories and traveled often.....

In June we visited Brooks' family in Washington State and spent some time in the FUN city of Seattle. We really enjoyed introducing our Britan to Brooks' grandmother and many aunts, uncles and cousins during our visit! The weather was cool and NOT humid at all during our stay which meant we had to purchase some winter clothes the 3rd week of June while in Seattle. We visited the Space Needle again and I hope that this time Bryson will actually remember it in years to come. He got a Lego Space Needle set while we were there so hopefully those memories will stay with him...and Britan enjoyed her 1st trip to the top...I guess we will need another trip in the future to make sure she remembers ;) We also searched for iCarly and Christian Grey, but no luck during our search....maybe next time??!!! The 5.5 hour flight home was the only disappoint of the trip.......

We have 2 pervious pics on this porch corner...1st Brooks and I were dating, then again with Bryson and now the 4 of us!!
July was spent at the beach, at the movies, swimming and celebrating Britan's 1st SWEET Birthday!!! We visited the beach every other week in July....spent the 4th soaking in the sunshine with my cousin and her 2 kids who are very close in age with my 2 kids. It's quite nice having a 2nd home in NMB, thanks mom!!! Britan turned 1 the 30th of July and we celebrated with 60 special friends and family. She had a SWEET 1st Birthday theme which included candy, cupcakes, cake, ice cream and a chocolate fountain!! She loves the water and considering it was July and at least 90 degrees she had a kiddie pool, water table, and water slide to keep all the guests COOLED off!!! A few days before her big day, she took her 1st steps and hasn't looked back since!! Good thing about walking and not crawling is that the polish actually stays on her toes a little longer! Shortly after her birthday, she slept through the night.....let me repeat....SHE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT....ALL NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! She has continued this BEAUTIFUL pattern ever since...8 pm to 7am!!! AMAZING!!!! I don't think we ever knew what we were missing before our sunshine arrived one year ago! Love you Brit!!!!


August was VERY bittersweet! We spent the 1st couple of weeks focused on the Olympics....I still LOVE Michael Phelps...and tweet him daily (call me a stalker, I don't care).....spent another week at the beach, enjoyed sweet surprises every morning until my birthday from my sweet husband, went back to the beach for birthday cousins the 16th, mine the 17th, my nephew the 18th, and Brooks the 26th.....and finally I rejoined the workforce and Bryson began his 1st grade year....although I miss my girl during the day, I had a really good week with my "kids" at school and I feel like its going to be a fun and productive year for us and Bryson is off to a good start (his room is right next to mine...PERK of the job, for sure). Soccer is in full force for Brooks at the high school and coaching Bryson and his teammates on Tues/Thurs....first game next weekend......
So here we are already September...and passing quickly! I am now energized to decorate for fall, make the kid's costumes for Halloween (already started actually), Saturday soccer games, pumpkin picking, celebrate 15 years of  our "dating anniversary"...and most importantly to continue to make memories that will last a lifetime for Bryson and Britan!!! 
I hope all is well for you....and I hope you have found a routine that is beginning to work smoothly with school starting, summer ending and fall around the corner....I have to add that this is my 4th week of the 20 minute chore routine and I feel GREAT about my household being in order and we have continued to cook through the week even with adding in school and soccer...I hope if you are trying to "stay on top" of things as I am, that it is working for you too!!!! (would love to share and help if not)
Much love and fall blessings......Alysha!! :)

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