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Showing posts from October, 2011

My balloon obsession is tied to memories :)

Life is full of fun, exciting, happy, scary, sad memories...but no matter how they are, they are with you forever. Memories are what make your life and what make you keeping living life so that you can make more......... Brooks and Bryson asked me this morning, on balloon hunt number 5 out of 6 for the weekend, what my deal is with hot air I started thinking about my answer this afternoon when my camera was full of 239 balloon pictures. Balloons to me mean many cherished childhood memories....memories that make me smile when I think of them and memories that I hope Bryson made today and will smile at one day......... I have MANY memories of these amazing flying creations..... I remember Wesley and I waking up one Sunday morning to probably 10 balloons taking off in the fields right in our front yard, I cut my hair off in the 5th grade (the shortest it had ever been) at the Balloon Rally, I remember selling Bojangles chicken for a cheerleading fundraiser and tether...

My AMAZING Husband!

Today is our 14th "dating" Anniversary!!! I have spent almost 1/2 of my life with a boy named Brooks and I know there is no other person in this world that I am suppose to be with! Last year I wrote about how everything started.... This year since things have change so much for us, I think I should share how AMAZING my husband truly is..... Two weeks ago he had to go out of town for work and within 2 hours of him leaving.....there was a knock at the door and 6 beautiful red roses waiting on me! I remember the 1st time he went to visit his dad, the 1st summer we were dating, and this same surprise came to the door attached with a black teddy bear! He has always been so thoughtful and he loves to surprise me often with little notes around the house or in my car or a rose every now and then. I know that he loves me no matter how mad I make him.  I knew that he would be a great husband...or I wouldn't have waited so long to marry him, but I guess I never imagined h...