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Showing posts from September, 2011

The end of September....we meet again!

One year ago, I remember everything so clearly....this is the week that we were suppose to hear our 2nd babies heartbeat and go on one of our usual beach trips. But this time a year ago things changed for us so quickly and it is now amazing for me to be able to reflect and see how far we have come and how happily we have grown! This time last year, Brooks and I questioned whether or not we would even try to have another baby after the heartache we experienced during our sad September....but we had no idea we would be blessed within 8 short weeks with the answer, our 3rd pregnancy! The end of this September is so much brighter than the last and we have woken up everyday for the past 9 weeks to this beautiful, smiling little girl, our Britan Rae! Although we didn't understand then and we still don't know why our 2nd baby wasn't meant to be ours in this lifetime, we are still thankful for the lesson we learned from our pain, but more thankful for the blessings that had ...

Our 1 Year Blog Anniversary!

One year ago today I started this writing journey to help heal my broken heart! One year later I continue to write, but for other, happier reasons. I don't have much time today, but I wanted to say thank you to everyone that has read, commented and listened to our life stories! There is already a blog ready for stay tuned :) Much Love, Alysha

Rest in peace, my dear friend!

Today was not the day I had envisioned...this is my last week home with my sweet baby and I was hoping to just spend time with her and not do too much. However, an early morning phone call changed the plans very quickly and has forced me to look back on my childhood and all the fond membries (memories per Bryson) it holds. Mom called this morning with the sad news, that many of you have already heard, a good friend was killed last night. This boy has been around since I was 5 and cried everyday for months in kindergarten (that is where Bryson gets it). He referred to me as the girl with dots at the time (b/c of my freckles), but at the time we didn't know we would share so many memories throughout our school years. We would meet (not intentionally) about every Saturday night at Laney's Fish Camp with our families and I am told we would peak over at one another the whole meal. We didn't know then that many years would soon be spent maki...