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Showing posts from August, 2011

Reflux or Colic or Both.....I need help!

We have been told that Britan has reflux, but that there is not a real way to determine this other than doing an xray that would subject her to radiation that could be more harmful to her. I am not convinced its reflux, but I am convinced that something is bothering her and I can't figure it out. We see that she does have some signs of reflux, but some signs like not eating and not gaining weigh she totally doesn't have. She does throw up, mostly for me not as bad for Brooks. I have researched colic too and I have to admit she doesn't cry for hours on end, but she doesn't sleep for long periods without fussing either. Pretty much everything it says to do for a baby with colic, she loves...she loves to move constantly, loves her paci, loves white noise, to be swaddled. Also, I have found colic babies are good eaters and gain weigh unlike reflux babies which she is for sure gaining. We are now on Zantac and have been for 3 days, but at this point I can't say its hel...

Will this whirlwind ever end.............?????????

I am not even sure where to begin...but be advised this will be long because I have a lot that I need to jot in 5 months this will all be cherished  memories. Hold on for the ride because I am going to go back 3 weeks ago, which feels like 3 months ago and try to catch up on my crazy life!!!!! The week Britan came home my mom was here and things seemed to be crazy, but I was hopeful that life would settle quickly....I am still waiting, but I have to say that today may be that turning point. That week many other family and friends came by to see our baby piglet, but honestly at this point I can't remember everyone so I will leave it at that. Britan's 1st weekend adventure consisted of school shopping for Bryson, signing Bryson up for soccer and a new laptop for us (this should be noted....for some reason this new computer doesn't automatically tell me if I have misspelled something, so if you find misspelled words, bad grammar, wrong punctuation...please know my...

The day the world got the sweetest little girl: Introducing our Britan Rae all have done it again! We are once again reminded how much we are loved by all of the prayers, calls, texts, FB messages, visits, gifts...etc! We would like to thank each of you for taking this year long journey with us and we would like to share our sweet little girls entrance into the world with you. From yesterdays post you know that we had planned on being induced yesterday, August 2nd, but our little piglet decided she wanted to pick her Birthday and she did not want to share the month of August with her mom or dad!! We had BIG plans for our last weekend as the 3 of us and most events revolved around Bryson...I even told him on Friday, after we saw the Smurfs, he got his favorite place for lunch (Chick Fil A), and then raced slot cars with his daddy, that this was the last weekend all about him. Saturday we were going to finally due my belly cast (which I am kind of sad that didn't happen), Brooks and Bryson were going fishing and Sunday we were having S...

My pregnancy journal!

Well I am starting this a little late, but better late than never..... Week 22: Miss Britan you are giving your mom a hard time these days....MAJOR, middle of the night, leg cramps that cause pain for days that follow. Also, this is the week that we found out that I may have a "short" cervix :( I am thankfully for everyday that you are growing in my belly and I pray that you continue to grow stronger for many more weeks to come....although we are very ANXIOUS to meet you right now! The end of week 23: Oh my Miss Britan you are becoming quite a KICKER! I love when you kick b/c it reassures me that you are ok and growing as you should! I like to lay in the bed and shake my belly b/c you kick like crazy, as if your yelling STOP! Tomorrow is week 24, so we are getting there!! Week 24: Came and went and I forgot to write..... Week 25: We got to see Britan this week and she looked happy and healthy and JUST like her brother! I had my wonderful diabetes test this week....the...