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Showing posts from July, 2011

The Fire Drill...Practice Run!

This is going to be a funny story someday, so it is so worth documenting, but will not be shared till Britan decides to enter the world. SO here we go........ Thursday, July 21st, the 2nd hottest day of the Summer and I am 38 weeks pregnant on this day. By this point I thought that I would have a baby considering Bryson was already 2 weeks old when I was suppose to be 38 weeks pregnant with him. However, at this moment Little Miss is not making much effort to meet her family! On this day, I had a couple more things I wanted to mark off the "to do list", surprising I know, I really wanted to go to this baby sale in Charlotte and attend Bryson's last t ball game of the season. All week I kept thinking....I am bored out of mind and the day that I have plans to do something then she is going to come........... Well, Bryson and I got up early on this Thursday, got ready and waited for a friend that was going to ride with me to Charlotte just in case I went into labor I wou...

Documenting Summer 2011

Well....while we are waiting....we have been accomplishing many things for the exciting Summer of 2011! I am thankful that I can say I feel like I have accomplished everything I had intended with Bryson for the Summer. I had this idea in my head that we needed to do as much fun stuff together before Britan comes so that I don't feel guilty once she gets here and life becomes a little more complicated. So here are some of the highlights for the Summer thus far: ~Cars 2! ~Bryson's 1st season of t ball ~A mini vacation to Knoxville, TN with the Derting's ~A visit to the Chuckie Cheese and Fun Station: Double check! ~Trips to the beach included the 4th of July, which I questioned whether or not would happen ~Painting at Unique Designs ~FREE movie Tuesday's ~SEVERAL days of swimming ~AND 100's of trips to Chick Fil A for lunch! I hope that Bryson knows I have tried very hard to make this last Summer as an only child as much fun as it could be! AND I hope he d...

The NERVES have set in!!!!

We went to the doctor last week (since I have graduated to weekly visits) and he didn't seem optimistic that anything would be happening soon. He told us we could go to the beach without worrying whether or not she was coming b/c she showed no signs of coming anytime soon! I have 28 days left and this is the most pregnant I have ever been b/c Bryson came with 29 days left. So I have started thinking that she is hanging in for the long ride and even asked the doctor to not let me go past August 4th b/c last week I was miserable. He kind of laughed and said he would try. Once he calmed my fears that she wasn't falling out, I relaxed a little and had made up my mind that it would probably be August. I have done several of those little lingering things on my to do list this week, but I still have a few things left that I feel need to be done...NOW!!! I must share yesterday's adventure b/c it is going to be ok, but yesterday I sure didn't think so. I got the idea from a fr...