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Pregnancy: round 3 :)

I can't wait to share this with the world, but for now I must be patient....I have decided to jot down a few things every now and again about our 3rd pregnancy. So here it goes!

As many know we lost a baby the last week of September at 10 weeks, so the question we pondered was to try again or not....of course we gave it a try as soon as we could and it worked 1st time......again!

Nov 25th: I found out that we had another turkey in the oven the day before Thanksgiving and shared the "turkey" news with Brooks Thanksgiving day. We immediately said that we were not telling anyone in fear of the unknown.

Dec 7th: We went to the doctor to confirm what I already knew and we saw a baby blob aka turkey :) The doctor seemed shocked by our persistence and was impressed to see us so soon. He asked if I had been sick and I insisted NOT b/c I didn't feel the 1st thing with Bryson and I didn't plan on feeling anything with this one......wishful thinking.....

Dec 13th: Morning Sickness is NOT my friend! I have not technically gotten sick (to not be so specific), but boy have I felt like losing it MANY times! This is def. not the way I felt with Bryson and for sure not the way with the last one.....

Dec 15th: I was home from work SICK today.....I had to hide from everyone what I believe is the real reason b/c NO ONE KNOWS.....but I was in the bed all day and any movement felt like my stomach was flipping :(

Dec 18th: Still keeping our secret! We had our family Christmas with my moms side and I hid it pretty well, I think! Although we had Village Inn for lunch and I bout lost it while eating, I held my breath and prayed real hard for everything to stay down!

Dec 21st: I ate like a pig today and everyone was staring at me like I was a bottomless pit....SORRY I was hungry!

Dec 23rd: 8 weeks....and dying to tell....but waiting a little longer! We went to the doctor today and he used the word "perfect" which allows me to breathe! Brooks and the doctor saw the heartbeat....I didn't but I take their word.

Dec 23rd....cont': We had dinner tonight with my brother in law, sister in law and nephew....and I must say that I have learned my lesson with Italian food and garlic...I was up most of the night sick as could be.

Dec 24th: CHRISTMAS EVE and I am SICK! I was in bed till 1:00 when I forced myself to get up and do somethings. I was craving Bojangles fries and a Cheerwine and it actually settled my stomach from the Italian that never settled from last night!

Dec 27th: We flew to New Hampshire today and traveling has worn me out! A few know our secret at this point, but not too many!

Dec 30th: EMOTIONAL WRECK! We flew home today and today is the day that the world found out via........FACEBOOK! As we were waiting to get on the plane I glanced over and saw a solider hugging his family bye and tears started flowing! I stood in the airport crying just as much as him and his family for some man I don't even know! I wished him luck and thanked him on the plane and then the whole plane applauded his heroic efforts! Wow makes me cry again.

So here we are.....EVERYONE knows and if they don't then they don't have a facebook! We are very excited and still a little nervous I have a little comfort in knowing that being sick is supposedly a good sign. I couldn't wait anymore, I just hope I waited long enough. Bryson found out today on the plane and he is very excited again. Thank you to EVERYONE that has left a sweet comment for us and also for all of the prayers that are continually around us! I hope and pray that each and everyone of you have an EXCELLENT 2011 :)
Love and thanks from the Derting FOUR!

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