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Exhausted doesn't cover it........

Oh my......1/2 of our Christmas is over and I am soooooo tired! But it was overall, a fun, productive weekend. Friday night started the festivities for us at my dad's side of the families annual Christmas dinner. Everything went well we had the traditional holiday meal, but I was a little sad that there wasn't any of my grandmother's country style steak. She passed away 15 years ago and her sisters make the same amazing recipe as she did, but no matter how hard I try, mine never works out! It was good to see all the family that we sadly only see once a year. Once we got home the cleaning started and the guests began to arrive.......

By 10:30 I was in the house with Brooks, brother Lane and his friend Caleb, my brother Walker and his friend Johnny.....and the 3 male animals, so I was a little outnumbered to say the least! All the beds including the basement beds were full, The Derting Inn had NO VACANCY! Saturday we prepared for Christmas with my moms family which includes her 3 sisters and their families, 2 brothers and their families which in all totals 30 people, minus 1 cousin and her family. Mom cooked and I cleaned all day.....we had the traditional holiday meal...turkey, ham, potatoes, casseroles galore, and some delightful yeast rolls. My brother Wesley and nephew Weston made it by mid afternoon, so that added two more guests at the Derting Inn on Saturday...which landed Bryson in a tent on our bedroom floor! We ate about 5 and presents for the kids followed! By 9 everyone had packed up and headed home and we headed to Tanglewood (my little piece of Heaven)!!! The boys seemed to enjoy the lights and  they were so cute arguing with one another about what all the light creatures were. Thankfully as soon as we pulled out of the parking lot they were both fast asleep on Gaze's shoulders. I had the bright idea to go to Kohls to pick up a last minute gift and found myself LOST and not able to find Interstate 40 for 45 minutes! We finally found our way home by 1:00 when we returned to find that all the boys nor the cleaning fairy had decided to clean up the dinner mess!!! So finally by 2 I made it to bed....only to do it all again today......

The morning brought Christmas with mom and all the boys.....we exchanged all our gifts and then headed to the Talley House (my favorite Sunday lunch). Once we ate mom and my younger brothers headed home to the beach and I headed home to do some more cooking. Weston and Bryson played all afternoon and seemed to have a fun time coloring, playing with every car Bryson owns, and hiding under Bryson's bed. I cleaned the house some more...and made the traditional turkey, ham, and this time we threw in a pot roast, potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli casserole, and the yummy yeast rolls again! By 4 my aunt and her family came to have Christmas with us and my dad. We ate and shared gifts and soon everyone was on their way home. Shortly after Wesley and Weston headed back to the beach as well and my boys headed to Mooresville for some playtime. So here I am ALONE, the house is in one piece, I have had ENOUGH of the traditional HOLIDAY meal till sometime next year, and I am ENJOYING a Christmas movie and some HOT chocolate! 

And so begins the week of Christmas......I have to work tomorrow and Tuesday and Bryson and I WILL SLEEP IN ONE WEDNESDAY (if I have to bribe him with an early Christmas gift), Thursday we will spend some quality time with Brooks' family and Friday will be a day of packing and baking. I got a new cookie maker for Christmas today, so I am anxious to use it :) Christmas day will bring lots of fun and excitement for a little boy who is counting down the days!!! Christmas breakfast will also be served at the Derting's for anyone interested ;) Then we will continue with a tradition we started last year....the movies: Yogi Bear!!! Sunday we will fly up to New Hampshire to spend a few days with Brooks' dad and family and that will then conclude our 2 weeks of Christmas celebration with our families!!

So in case I don't have time to write again before Christmas I hope and pray that you and your family have a very Blessed and Merry Christmas!!! Please keep those in mind that have lost loved ones this past week, including the 2 sweet boys that lost their parents! Remember the reason for the season and I hope Santa brings everything you wished for! Love You and Merry Christmas, Alysha

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