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Showing posts from December, 2010

Pregnancy: round 3 :)

I can't wait to share this with the world, but for now I must be patient....I have decided to jot down a few things every now and again about our 3rd pregnancy. So here it goes! As many know we lost a baby the last week of September at 10 weeks, so the question we pondered was to try again or not....of course we gave it a try as soon as we could and it worked 1st time......again! Nov 25th: I found out that we had another turkey in the oven the day before Thanksgiving and shared the "turkey" news with Brooks Thanksgiving day. We immediately said that we were not telling anyone in fear of the unknown. Dec 7th: We went to the doctor to confirm what I already knew and we saw a baby blob aka turkey :) The doctor seemed shocked by our persistence and was impressed to see us so soon. He asked if I had been sick and I insisted NOT b/c I didn't feel the 1st thing with Bryson and I didn't plan on feeling anything with this one......wishful thinking..... Dec 13th: Mo...

Exhausted doesn't cover it........

Oh my......1/2 of our Christmas is over and I am soooooo tired! But it was overall, a fun, productive weekend. Friday night started the festivities for us at my dad's side of the families annual Christmas dinner. Everything went well we had the traditional holiday meal, but I was a little sad that there wasn't any of my grandmother's country style steak. She passed away 15 years ago and her sisters make the same amazing recipe as she did, but no matter how hard I try, mine never works out! It was good to see all the family that we sadly only see once a year. Once we got home the cleaning started and the guests began to arrive....... By 10:30 I was in the house with Brooks, brother Lane and his friend Caleb, my brother Walker and his friend Johnny.....and the 3 male animals, so I was a little outnumbered to say the least! All the beds including the basement beds were full, The Derting Inn had NO VACANCY! Saturday we prepared for Christmas with my moms family wh...