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Showing posts from September, 2010

Thankful for the positives.......

WOW! What a week! I would like to dedicate this blog to ALL THE POSITIVES in our lives!! First of all, I need to say a HUGE thank you to our wonderful co-workers, close friends, facebook friends, and our families! I truly believe that this week has turned out to be an ok week because of you all. To everyone that has sent sweet notes, given thoughtful grins, been there to listen, been there to read our story and MOST of all to EVERYONE that has said a prayer for us this week! No matter if it was one prayer or many YOU are very responsible for my positive mood and attitude today and for days to come. I would also, like to thank you God for listening and answering all of the prayers that you and we have sent him! I am very humbled and appreciative for everything this week. Please know that I never doubted for once that we were not loved and cared for, but this week has shown us that we are more blessed than I ever imagined and we will never take that for granted! So we went to the d...

So I've been thinking......

I've been thinking because that is all I have to do.......I like numbers and I like to make things make sense in number form. I don't like math, so it's odd that I have this obsession with numbers, but I do. My favorite, I guess you could call it lucky number, is 44!!! Love this number, this number has been around for me for a long time. It's in my license tag, it was my teller number at the bank, it just follows me everywhere. I am not sure why, but if I see this number somewhere I know it's going to be a good day. So anyways enough about my number, here are some more number thingys that I find in my life to be 1995, October to be exact I lost my grandmother, then in December (same year) I lost my grandfather and great grandfather. This was a tough year, it was my freshman year of high school and it started out really bad and my mother still continued to make me play in the stupid band, which sticks out as something terrible from that year too. ...

The last week of September....

I was soooo looking forward to this week....2 days of teaching and finishing up a whole unit, that we have worked so hard on for several weeks, then 2 days at a workshop, which are always fun because its something new and different and you get to go out to lunch like adults do, instead of eating in the school's cafeteria, then on Friday was a scheduled doctors appointment to hear the baby's heartbeat and then we were off to the beach for the weekend. Something told me not to post my status for FB as: "Looking forward to a fun week" because that same something told me my week was not going to go as planned and how I wanted it to on my calendar. On Monday, I started having some complications and by Tuesday I knew that there was a problem and I needed to go to the doctor now, not Friday. Well, we went to a new doctor (because mine would not see me and acted as if I was crazy for even calling, I will not mention names, but that is no longer my doctors office), I was calm ...