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Showing posts from July, 2023

a struggling senior mom.....

 happy tuesday!  as i reflect on my 2023 vision board there is one glaring thing i am behind on...blogging....and when i set goals i complete them so here i am! you will see me 5 more times this 2023 year to mark this off the board! i have a couple topics in my head, but being that it is summer---i am starting here. i am in the phase of summer slipping away and it makes me sad, but i have tried so hard this summer to enjoy, not rush and truly soak it in.  this has been a defining summer for me. bryson is weeks away from his senior year. and its HARD. possibly the hardest part i recall in this parenting journey. tears fill my eyes as i type as they have for weeks when i let myself think that this is it. it's almost over. this phase is nearing the end. and the next phase may hold sweet, precious times as well, but dang the not knowing hurts! i have tried my very best to be present. be in the moment. although then i have tears. again. i keep reliving all the small things, th...