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Showing posts from September, 2020

I am changed.

happy monday.....*for the record I started this 2 mondays ago, so its only fitting & OCD of me to finish it on a monday* this has taken longer than i wanted, but the title has been there for awhile. i am changed.  during the process of the last 8 months of life, i have changed, i am changed,  i have grown in areas and probably not grown at all in others, what i did this time last year is a fond memory of an old life! in the beginning of corona i longed for the old normal, now i long for that to never return. i found lots of JOY from being home and being happy in our home. i am fine to be home with the kids and brooks and just doing whatever and sometimes just doing nothing. nothing wasn't a part of the old life. being busy was what i thought brought happiness... pre-covid, we were on the road all the time, going here there and everywhere, and now.... i don't want or need that life was a good life that we lived, it has many memories and many fond moments, but ...