here we I don't know..
hope you and your family are adjusting well.....
brit is in the living room/her office having acting class so I thought I would jot down some life moments from the past few weeks so that this is documented years from now....
picnics-we have had picnics in the Mexican restaurant parking lot, random picnic tables from a church on the side of the rode to a park that you couldn't play on the playground.
stores-we are guilty of going to lowes (no judging)....we are in the middle of a basement/pool house redo and that was happening before covid----so it continues, my kids on the other hand have been out about 3x in weeks....I actually ran into big lots last week and brit was like why do they have those things up....those things being the plexiglass dividers...its also super weird to pickup food and everyone have a mask and gloves on....its all still so weird.
homeschool/work---zooming, need I say more....I am zoomed out, but I trying to remain positive, positive that my kids are still engaged in academics even if its scaled back (I will get to more of that in a min), I have had 14 zoom meetings with my teachers and admin over the last 4 days.....we are continuing soccer zooms, acting zooms, brit has GOTR zoom next week, church zooms weekly....I am embracing this as they are still interacting with friends.....and they need that as much as I need them to do it for my sanity......
brooks---he is still working, making maps for the county is essential for ECOM....also essential bc we don't have another room with a door that closes besides bathrooms if he needed to work from home.....
my kids---I brag on them a lot, I know, I am certain you do too....but these life skills and walks and snuggles and 24/7 attention is more than I ever knew we needed....bryson is driving everything we own around the house (not legally, but practicing)....he is mowing weekly, driving mulch to different spots of the yard, spreading mulch, making brownies about every other night and he makes sure to walk with me nightly.....brit she has made several crockpot dinners, taken her chore of gathering dirty clothes to washing dirty clothes, reading more books then I have in my entire life, swimming every day that I allow her to get in the freezing water, and snuggling daily either in the mornings, on our lunch break or before bed!!!
this time is priceless....this time is honestly amazing....I know some are overwhelmed and stressed out being home all day with the kids (and don't get me wrong I have my days), but these lessons, these memories, these new things that life is teaching them is irreplaceable....dont waste it!
I want life to be somewhat normal, absolutely, but I also don't want life to be normal.....I am really torn....I want to see our friends, I actually want to hug people (I am not a hugger, I am a cactus), I want to sit down at a restaurant and be served over and over again.....but I do love this new life at the moment......
alright I must start dinner, so this is it for now....share your new favorite things....
Much Love, Alysha
hope you and your family are adjusting well.....
brit is in the living room/her office having acting class so I thought I would jot down some life moments from the past few weeks so that this is documented years from now....
picnics-we have had picnics in the Mexican restaurant parking lot, random picnic tables from a church on the side of the rode to a park that you couldn't play on the playground.
stores-we are guilty of going to lowes (no judging)....we are in the middle of a basement/pool house redo and that was happening before covid----so it continues, my kids on the other hand have been out about 3x in weeks....I actually ran into big lots last week and brit was like why do they have those things up....those things being the plexiglass dividers...its also super weird to pickup food and everyone have a mask and gloves on....its all still so weird.
homeschool/work---zooming, need I say more....I am zoomed out, but I trying to remain positive, positive that my kids are still engaged in academics even if its scaled back (I will get to more of that in a min), I have had 14 zoom meetings with my teachers and admin over the last 4 days.....we are continuing soccer zooms, acting zooms, brit has GOTR zoom next week, church zooms weekly....I am embracing this as they are still interacting with friends.....and they need that as much as I need them to do it for my sanity......
brooks---he is still working, making maps for the county is essential for ECOM....also essential bc we don't have another room with a door that closes besides bathrooms if he needed to work from home.....
my kids---I brag on them a lot, I know, I am certain you do too....but these life skills and walks and snuggles and 24/7 attention is more than I ever knew we needed....bryson is driving everything we own around the house (not legally, but practicing)....he is mowing weekly, driving mulch to different spots of the yard, spreading mulch, making brownies about every other night and he makes sure to walk with me nightly.....brit she has made several crockpot dinners, taken her chore of gathering dirty clothes to washing dirty clothes, reading more books then I have in my entire life, swimming every day that I allow her to get in the freezing water, and snuggling daily either in the mornings, on our lunch break or before bed!!!
this time is priceless....this time is honestly amazing....I know some are overwhelmed and stressed out being home all day with the kids (and don't get me wrong I have my days), but these lessons, these memories, these new things that life is teaching them is irreplaceable....dont waste it!
I want life to be somewhat normal, absolutely, but I also don't want life to be normal.....I am really torn....I want to see our friends, I actually want to hug people (I am not a hugger, I am a cactus), I want to sit down at a restaurant and be served over and over again.....but I do love this new life at the moment......
alright I must start dinner, so this is it for now....share your new favorite things....
Much Love, Alysha