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Showing posts from 2019

seeking contentment

envy rots the bones  proverbs 14:30 lately, I have been bothered by entitlement and status that is taking over our world and most importantly our children...I guess because I am really trying to find peacefulness and contentment in living a minimalist life. yall know my dream is a tiny house on an island without THINGS....we have lived the life of living out of our means and it just kills me that people feel the need to keep up with the joneses. I want nice things for us and our kids especially (please don't think I don't), but I can not stop my thoughts of who really, really cares at the end of you really remember what I wore last week? I barely do....and if you do, does it mean anything to my life or your life! dont get me wrong Bryson is happy to wear nike, UA, etc and brit loves some justice stuff....but heres a little secret, everything that has those "name" brands across the front of them came from tj maxx...we dont shop those stores unless its a gr...

back to basics

back to basics.....I started this blog to share sorrow in a time (way before blogging was popular) to deal with grief.... I continued writing for a purpose of sharing a testimony I feel very strongly tied to-debt-hiding the secret of debt.... lately, I would say over the last few years....the basics have left me, its probably because of know it, you're living it too----married, kids, a house, a job and if you are like me your kids schedules supersede yours! I really am enjoying this part of life, mostly because I know that it will be over too soon...Bryson is less than a year from high school and I just did 3rd grade homework with Brit....who was not even with us when I started this blog journey!  but, something keeps pulling at me....a friend posted the other day, that you need to take time to do something for yourself....its so very true----we spend majority of our day doing for many others----so last week I started running again, I have always had a love/ha...

financial freedom

.......its been almost 2 years since i jotted down my thoughts. but this subject, this time of year always urges me to write....i think because there is someone out there that needs some encouragement. most know i had a secret addiction to credit cards and 7 years ago it was discovered! for those that dont recall it was $37,000 all on credit cards (that sounds ridiculous to say out loud). money (and debt) are scary words that drive peoples emotions, can make or break relationships, it can bring happiness and can bring even more sadness. we all know it makes the world go round.... i have to say a budget is not the most fun in the world, but a budget has turned our (my) debt into financial freedom. as a matter of fact i said to brooks last night how much i despise our budget. his response, DO YOU REALLY MEAN THAT? and honestly, i dont. it seems like a pain and hard work, but it also gives us the ability to do and provide for our kids and ourselves in a way that debt never could. the ...