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The last week of September....where it all started...

As I am sitting on the couch, looking out onto the beautiful leaves that are changing....I see it just as I did 6 years. This little blog of mine was born exactly 6 years ago tomorrow. It has evolved into a place that I don't get to visit often, but it always has the power to remind to sit back and be grateful....

Grateful because this time 6 years ago.....we (#thedertings) were in pain, pain of a loss, pain of losing a baby that we never got the chance to meet. BUT from that pain came a beautiful, spunky, 5 year old girl also known as #britanrae. I have said it before, September is not my favorite month, probably my least favorite (school is back in full swing, routines have started, but aren't settled, and this week always finds me every year). To that I do have to say, this September, I honestly haven't focused on because it has flown by faster than I could ever imagine....

There is a reason things happen and often that reason is to remind us of our blessings and the things we have to be thankful for....this last week of September is that reason to be grateful. I am home today with Brit because she has a fever, no other real symptoms but a pretty high fever that comes and goes with meds.....her only complaints are as follows: she is missing her friends, missing returning her library book for a new one, missing the 1st Good News Club of the year (she is really mad about this one), and missing soccer.....BUT in all of those aliments I am finding blessings....blessings that she has friends that she loves and they love her back, blessings in that she LOVES getting books from the library, blessings in that she wants to go to Good News Club because it will be like Bible School and blessings that she has the ability (and the want) to play soccer!

This week was scheduled to be a CRAZY one (shocker) 6 days (& soccer camp), 2 days of dance, haircuts, monthly meetings at work, and at some point I need to go through summer and winter clothes, oh and pull out the fall stuff from the attic....but just like 6 years ago, my calendar was altered, there was something more important to do....taking care of Brit during this little virus she has (it should be noted she had a well checkup less than a week ago) instead of being 13 hour days all week, I have let off the gas and I am just enjoying the scenery for a little bit.....

I am thankful for the this last week of September and the reflection I also find when this week rolls around....we are blessed beyond measure, we have more than we could ever need, our kids are healthy 99% of the time, and life has its funny ways of slowing us down and realizing the true blessings all around us.

Stop and enjoy the scenery.....its there for a reason...

Much Love, Alysha

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