Hi Friends!
Again, its been too long, and by now you know I have some things brewing in my head drawing me to blog about them.....FYI: it might be long.....
We, #thedertings, are at it again overcommitted and counting the days till the end of the school year....the 20 min chores aren't done, I have emails (I hate anything in my inbox), my to-do list doesnt have everything highlighted in pink (pink means its DONE), my kids are exhausted, because y'all see it, we run them to death! BUT I am yet, again, seeing these signs and having people remind me daily, that I love this life of mine!!! and I really wouldn't change a thing!
Just a recap of our last week (in case you havent seen my million pics on fb) which brings me to another point I will get to in a moment....
It was a normally scheduled crazy week: Brits soccer party, Bryson soccer practice x2 in the rain, Brit dance, one night at the gym and then there was the weekend.....bridal brunch which included an amazing freckled frog paint session (I am hooked, Brooks is not...lol $$), then we signed the kids up for the Jimmie Johnson 5k before we committed to taking the little warriors to an all weekend soccer tournament, so add in 4 soccer games (one of which was rained out but we were at the field for 3 hours before they called it).....then Monday, Monday was Brits LAST Monday of preschool (only 2 days remain before its all over), Bryson field day, and the little warriors had soccer tryouts in Conover which lasted 3 hours! You see where I am going with this.....I so want to be a grump, and scream ENOUGH already, I need a break, can I get a sick day?!?!?!? I fully feel I could totally sleep for a few days straight and still not be rested...........BUT! I am NOT playing that card.....here is what I got from all of this the past 9 days.........THANKFUL! and here is why.............................
I have the BEST schools in the WORLD, that's right not in the US, not in the state, not in the county, the WORLD! I get to work with the sweetest and hardest working people out there! (2 sweet cards from 2 sweet teachers in a week)! They remind me that we are here to serve kids and they do just that and more they serve kids and meet their needs on a daily basis! My schools completed 54 meetings in 4 days (that is pretty amazing)! I couldn't ask for better collaboration and professionalism from the special people I get to work with! When you have a team and the team works together, you can conquer the world! and for that, I AM THANKFUL!
I have been BLESSED with 2 AMAZING kids! you know that my kids are my life (brooks' too)! It is more than obvious that I brag on them daily....and you know what, they amaze me and teach me things daily and deserve to one day look back at their #s and see that their mama is PROUD! (I tell people I # their names, because I dont have patience to scrapbook or do whatever the latest crafty trend is) Anyway, We push our kids, HARD! Bryson is grounded from his ipad at the moment because he was not focused on all of his activities, he wasnt focused on getting homework done to the best of his ability, he wasn't focused enough on practicing soccer (just running through the motions in life), he wasn't taking opportunities.....(I mean in all honesty he is 10 and he has straight As (not a brag moment, just an honest moment), but he wasn't taking anything seriously)....so we had this long talk 2 weeks ago and it may have helped me more than him.....we talked with him about the opportunities he has....a house over his head, food in the cabinets, things that he wants, soccer, certain things at school......some kids don't have the opportunities he has AND we reinforced that when someone gives you an opportunity YOU TAKE IT, you don't turn down a chance to do something! He works his tail off and we want him to be something great one day......and he has to know that when you want something, you work for it! I love that after our serious talk, that ended in tears, he still wanted his mama to lay with him till he fell asleep! and for that, I AM THANKFUL!
And then there is my girl, #britanrae, y'all know her, she's that sassy, blonde, that can pose in a minute and smile her way out of timeout! Thats her! She is the push the limit child, Bryson cried when we had the serious talk with him and I know she would laugh about it! She is like no other! Some say she is just like her mama and maybe thats why its hard to get her to listen.....BUT! With all of that being said, she is an independent, go getter, little girl! She may push my limits and push every button Brooks has, but her preschool teacher says she's very good in class (unless she's trying not to hurt my feelings). She wants to read, write and do homework like her brother everyday (that may change next year when its real). Although she doesn't always do on command when told to stop doing that, listen to me, go to timeout.....she is a sweet, kind hearted 4 year old and she wants to save the world! She has accomplished more at 4 than most and with a smile and dimple on her face! I am very sad for the transitions in the near future, finishing preschool FOREVER and leaving our sitter that has had her since she was 8 weeks old....there are some bitter sweet days ahead, BUT I am thankful she has had the opportunity to attend preschool, take dance, play soccer and even with her attitude, I am happy that she is independent and will one day be a leader.....and for that, I AM THANKFUL!
Also, in the past week we have spent a LOT of time, many hours, with our soccer family! These are people that make me laugh till I want to cry, that love each of the little warriors as if each are their very own, people that have a vision for the future and are making that future possible....We have this bond not only that our kids were born in 2005-2006 but a bond that some people would look into and call us crazy (not referencing any one's name at all with that statement). Just in the past month we have made memories (my favorite thing y'all) that will last a lifetime for us and our boys! We have laughed at jokes, created everlasting #s, and wiped away tears of defeat as a (functional) (maybe dysfunctional) family! We even had dinner at 9:45 last night in a gas station (memories like no other)! Our lives have crossed paths because of soccer....but it means so much more.....and for that, I AM THANKFUL!
Then there is my husband...I could write a book about him after all 19 years together, 11 (almost) years married, and 2 kids later, it would take a book to reference all that I am thankful for when it comes to him. He keeps me straight and that is a HARD, FULL time job! We both have standards for each other and we do a great job holding each other accountable for the betterment of our little family, #thedertings! He is the one that can look at me and say Alysha, its going to be okay whatever the situation is! and Alysha you are overreacting! I am beyond proud of the hard work, time and effort he spends on making sure our kids have everything they need from basics, to extras, to coaching soccer! If you see us in public you may think we are hard and sometimes harsh on each other, but that is truly our way of keeping it real and moving on dealing with the issue at hand! He knows that look when I want him to make chocolate chip cookies at 10:30 at night, he knows what I am thinking before I say, and for that, I AM THANKFUL!
I could go on and on, I could brag all day about the amazing people I have in life, but we have parent night at dance, so I need to get Brit ready and you probably need a break from all of this! I hope that you are able to take something from this to be thankful for because there is a lot in life that deserves thanks! Even when things are going crazy and there is no time for anything, there is a reason to be thankful! AND if nothing else I hope its obvious and evident I AM THANKFUL for this season of life I am currently in and I want to soak up every moment and memory!!
I AM THANKFUL FOR YOU!! If you are reading this, I truly do appreciate you!!
Much Love, Alysha
Again, its been too long, and by now you know I have some things brewing in my head drawing me to blog about them.....FYI: it might be long.....
We, #thedertings, are at it again overcommitted and counting the days till the end of the school year....the 20 min chores aren't done, I have emails (I hate anything in my inbox), my to-do list doesnt have everything highlighted in pink (pink means its DONE), my kids are exhausted, because y'all see it, we run them to death! BUT I am yet, again, seeing these signs and having people remind me daily, that I love this life of mine!!! and I really wouldn't change a thing!
Just a recap of our last week (in case you havent seen my million pics on fb) which brings me to another point I will get to in a moment....
It was a normally scheduled crazy week: Brits soccer party, Bryson soccer practice x2 in the rain, Brit dance, one night at the gym and then there was the weekend.....bridal brunch which included an amazing freckled frog paint session (I am hooked, Brooks is not...lol $$), then we signed the kids up for the Jimmie Johnson 5k before we committed to taking the little warriors to an all weekend soccer tournament, so add in 4 soccer games (one of which was rained out but we were at the field for 3 hours before they called it).....then Monday, Monday was Brits LAST Monday of preschool (only 2 days remain before its all over), Bryson field day, and the little warriors had soccer tryouts in Conover which lasted 3 hours! You see where I am going with this.....I so want to be a grump, and scream ENOUGH already, I need a break, can I get a sick day?!?!?!? I fully feel I could totally sleep for a few days straight and still not be rested...........BUT! I am NOT playing that card.....here is what I got from all of this the past 9 days.........THANKFUL! and here is why.............................
I have the BEST schools in the WORLD, that's right not in the US, not in the state, not in the county, the WORLD! I get to work with the sweetest and hardest working people out there! (2 sweet cards from 2 sweet teachers in a week)! They remind me that we are here to serve kids and they do just that and more they serve kids and meet their needs on a daily basis! My schools completed 54 meetings in 4 days (that is pretty amazing)! I couldn't ask for better collaboration and professionalism from the special people I get to work with! When you have a team and the team works together, you can conquer the world! and for that, I AM THANKFUL!
I have been BLESSED with 2 AMAZING kids! you know that my kids are my life (brooks' too)! It is more than obvious that I brag on them daily....and you know what, they amaze me and teach me things daily and deserve to one day look back at their #s and see that their mama is PROUD! (I tell people I # their names, because I dont have patience to scrapbook or do whatever the latest crafty trend is) Anyway, We push our kids, HARD! Bryson is grounded from his ipad at the moment because he was not focused on all of his activities, he wasnt focused on getting homework done to the best of his ability, he wasn't focused enough on practicing soccer (just running through the motions in life), he wasn't taking opportunities.....(I mean in all honesty he is 10 and he has straight As (not a brag moment, just an honest moment), but he wasn't taking anything seriously)....so we had this long talk 2 weeks ago and it may have helped me more than him.....we talked with him about the opportunities he has....a house over his head, food in the cabinets, things that he wants, soccer, certain things at school......some kids don't have the opportunities he has AND we reinforced that when someone gives you an opportunity YOU TAKE IT, you don't turn down a chance to do something! He works his tail off and we want him to be something great one day......and he has to know that when you want something, you work for it! I love that after our serious talk, that ended in tears, he still wanted his mama to lay with him till he fell asleep! and for that, I AM THANKFUL!
And then there is my girl, #britanrae, y'all know her, she's that sassy, blonde, that can pose in a minute and smile her way out of timeout! Thats her! She is the push the limit child, Bryson cried when we had the serious talk with him and I know she would laugh about it! She is like no other! Some say she is just like her mama and maybe thats why its hard to get her to listen.....BUT! With all of that being said, she is an independent, go getter, little girl! She may push my limits and push every button Brooks has, but her preschool teacher says she's very good in class (unless she's trying not to hurt my feelings). She wants to read, write and do homework like her brother everyday (that may change next year when its real). Although she doesn't always do on command when told to stop doing that, listen to me, go to timeout.....she is a sweet, kind hearted 4 year old and she wants to save the world! She has accomplished more at 4 than most and with a smile and dimple on her face! I am very sad for the transitions in the near future, finishing preschool FOREVER and leaving our sitter that has had her since she was 8 weeks old....there are some bitter sweet days ahead, BUT I am thankful she has had the opportunity to attend preschool, take dance, play soccer and even with her attitude, I am happy that she is independent and will one day be a leader.....and for that, I AM THANKFUL!
Also, in the past week we have spent a LOT of time, many hours, with our soccer family! These are people that make me laugh till I want to cry, that love each of the little warriors as if each are their very own, people that have a vision for the future and are making that future possible....We have this bond not only that our kids were born in 2005-2006 but a bond that some people would look into and call us crazy (not referencing any one's name at all with that statement). Just in the past month we have made memories (my favorite thing y'all) that will last a lifetime for us and our boys! We have laughed at jokes, created everlasting #s, and wiped away tears of defeat as a (functional) (maybe dysfunctional) family! We even had dinner at 9:45 last night in a gas station (memories like no other)! Our lives have crossed paths because of soccer....but it means so much more.....and for that, I AM THANKFUL!
Then there is my husband...I could write a book about him after all 19 years together, 11 (almost) years married, and 2 kids later, it would take a book to reference all that I am thankful for when it comes to him. He keeps me straight and that is a HARD, FULL time job! We both have standards for each other and we do a great job holding each other accountable for the betterment of our little family, #thedertings! He is the one that can look at me and say Alysha, its going to be okay whatever the situation is! and Alysha you are overreacting! I am beyond proud of the hard work, time and effort he spends on making sure our kids have everything they need from basics, to extras, to coaching soccer! If you see us in public you may think we are hard and sometimes harsh on each other, but that is truly our way of keeping it real and moving on dealing with the issue at hand! He knows that look when I want him to make chocolate chip cookies at 10:30 at night, he knows what I am thinking before I say, and for that, I AM THANKFUL!
I could go on and on, I could brag all day about the amazing people I have in life, but we have parent night at dance, so I need to get Brit ready and you probably need a break from all of this! I hope that you are able to take something from this to be thankful for because there is a lot in life that deserves thanks! Even when things are going crazy and there is no time for anything, there is a reason to be thankful! AND if nothing else I hope its obvious and evident I AM THANKFUL for this season of life I am currently in and I want to soak up every moment and memory!!
I AM THANKFUL FOR YOU!! If you are reading this, I truly do appreciate you!!
Much Love, Alysha