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Showing posts from May, 2016

It's not Thanksgiving, but I am THANKFUL!

Hi Friends! Again, its been too long, and by now you know I have some things brewing in my head drawing me to blog about them.....FYI: it might be long..... We, #thedertings, are at it again overcommitted and counting the days till the end of the school year....the 20 min chores aren't done, I have emails (I hate anything in my inbox), my to-do list doesnt have everything highlighted in pink (pink means its DONE), my kids are exhausted, because y'all see it, we run them to death! BUT I am yet, again, seeing these signs and having people remind me daily, that I love this life of mine!!! and I really wouldn't change a thing! Just a recap of our last week (in case you havent seen my million pics on fb) which brings me to another point I will get to in a moment.... It was a normally scheduled crazy week: Brits soccer party, Bryson soccer practice x2 in the rain, Brit dance, one night at the gym and then there was the weekend.....bridal brunch which included an amazing fr...