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Showing posts from January, 2015

My "Running" Life

First, it has been way too long since I posted a blog.....I almost feel like I have forgotten how to write, so we will see how this goes... I want to write about my new life that includes running.....I have tinkered with running for about 6 years now, but it has not been pretty, the most I have ever run until the last 6 months was 3 miles and those 3 miles were slow, awful, painful, annoying, etc.....It takes all I have to run...... When I started this journey it was to prove to myself that I could run 3 miles.....I accomplished that and had settled for that saying I would "never" run more than that, I am not a runner, I do it for the runners high I feel when I cross the finish line, but I truly never worked very hard at it.....35 mins was acceptable just to say I had run a 5k......BUT.......that is slowly, slowly, slowly changing..... When I decided I was going to raise the bar and do 13.1 I had to find strength I didn't know I had, time that I didn't know ex...