Where has the month gone...I can't believe such a short time ago it was 100 degrees and flip flop weather and today was barely short sleeve worthy.....
I have had such a weird attitude lately, but after today I see that it is time to get in the mood and attitude of Fall....pumpkins, costumes, 5ks, Saturday soccer...etc.....
We had a really fun weekend...hope you did! The warriors put 2 balls in the net, only 1 counted, but it was very exciting for the ball to go into the goal...especially for my soccer mom posse! We celebrated my grandmas 79th birthday last night and enjoyed some great food in West Jefferson today....such a fun weekend makes me happy! Oh and I even ended the day with a 1 mile run...after all the food I have consumed in the past 4 days...I felt it was necessary...I just hope that 1 mile will turn into more...SOON!
Most of you know that 2 years ago this week is when my blogging adventures were born and most know it was because 2 years ago this week our lives took a different turn than what we intended. I thought I needed to remember this week because it was so heartbreaking for us and now look what we got out of the deal......we didn't get our second baby, but we got our 3rd and she brings soooo much happiness, joy and laughter to our lives DAILY!
Not sure I will have much time this week to blog, so I wanted to get a little in before another crazy week begins..and especially since its our blogging anniversary!
Another random thought I have been having...is to TRY and post my food menu for the week...I have had a few people ask me for some recipes...and since I have to make a grocery list and food menu weekly, I am happy to share....MAYBE one day I can grow up and be a food blogger.....I write my menu out of Wednesday's and shop on Thursday's so I will try and include those that are interested in that too!!!
Sorry for all of the random thoughts tonight....not much flow to this blog...the main point was to remember this week in history and be thankful for our past, present, and future!
Hope you have a fantastic week!!! Much love, Alysha
I have had such a weird attitude lately, but after today I see that it is time to get in the mood and attitude of Fall....pumpkins, costumes, 5ks, Saturday soccer...etc.....
We had a really fun weekend...hope you did! The warriors put 2 balls in the net, only 1 counted, but it was very exciting for the ball to go into the goal...especially for my soccer mom posse! We celebrated my grandmas 79th birthday last night and enjoyed some great food in West Jefferson today....such a fun weekend makes me happy! Oh and I even ended the day with a 1 mile run...after all the food I have consumed in the past 4 days...I felt it was necessary...I just hope that 1 mile will turn into more...SOON!
My boy in action!
This is our blessing from beyond the sadness! We are thankful everyday!!
Not sure I will have much time this week to blog, so I wanted to get a little in before another crazy week begins..and especially since its our blogging anniversary!
Another random thought I have been having...is to TRY and post my food menu for the week...I have had a few people ask me for some recipes...and since I have to make a grocery list and food menu weekly, I am happy to share....MAYBE one day I can grow up and be a food blogger.....I write my menu out of Wednesday's and shop on Thursday's so I will try and include those that are interested in that too!!!
Sorry for all of the random thoughts tonight....not much flow to this blog...the main point was to remember this week in history and be thankful for our past, present, and future!
Hope you have a fantastic week!!! Much love, Alysha