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Showing posts from August, 2012

Pity Party...coming to a close!

Hallelujah for a GREAT 1st day of school!!!!!!!!!! My day was not as productive as I would have liked and consisted of sorting files, figuring out a workable schedule, trying to find my desk....AND most importantly seeing smiling faces & catching up with old friends! I was not myself when I posted last week and I TRULY don't like the negative attitude that I had and shared with many.....I would love to work my way up the corporate ladder one day, but for now I know that I am exactly where I am suppose to be.....and most importantly so is Bryson! I can't say enough about how great Stony Point is...but I will say that the 90% + we showed on test scores last year and the family morals that WE all bring to work daily is beyond enough for me to say that we are the BEST elementary school around!!! Britan has started a new transition with a new sitter schedule and today was a GREAT day for her! I am excited for her to try something new again tomorrow and I feel con...

My issues.....

I am so confused about my life's purpose right it a midlife crisis, call whatever you want, but I think this is the HARDEST time I have ever experienced going back to work.....I have always said that I am better mom because I work because it keeps me sane....but I have really enjoyed being in my little cocoon with me and the kids all summer, our own world, no one to answer to...... Do I want to stay home with my sweet girl? YES! Do I want to work where Bryson actually is in school? YES! Do I want to continue to provide our children with experiences that give them happiness? YES! Do I need to feel like I have a purpose? YES! So what the heck is wrong with me..... Is it the fact that I need something NEW to balance my life about every 5 years? MAYBE Is it that I want new challenges maybe even a new career? MAYBE Again what is the problem, Alysha...... Do all these questions I am having mean I am going to breakdown and stop bein...

Staying on TOP!

I am writing this post to keep myself in check because I tend to accomplish more if it's in writing.....I use to spend Saturday mornings cleaning the whole house...dusting, sweeping, mopping, washing sheets, cleaning all would take hours if I was uninterrupted and if I was interrupted it would take days...Therefore I need to find a way to hold myself accountable and not waste away my Saturdays..... Now there are MANY blogs, pins, and websites out there to help one STAY ON TOP of household, cleaning, the laundry, etc...but unlike the other bloggers that get paid for it...if you are like me, it's an unpaid J-O-B! that summer is sooo close to being over, I MUST reset my mind and move forward with a new school year and my 8th year in the classroom.... You probably know by now that my life must have example of no structure = my house is a wreck thanks to the 2 weeks worth of Olympics I now is the best tim...