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Showing posts from January, 2016

#panthernation what's all the hype?

#panthernation is on fire if you haven't heard and if you haven't heard you must be under a rock away from civilization. I just wanted to take a minute bc the "south is on lock" due to the weather to touch on all the "hype" surrounding our Carolina Panthers and #thedertings memory making experience..... There are many out there that have no faith or confidence in our special little team and even after a killing yesterday I am still not sure some are convinced.....and then you have that bandwagon overflowing with panther supporters..... It is really hard for me to determine, being right in the heart of panther nation, whether or not its this electric across the US or are we the only ones experiencing this history making event. It is truly amazing to me how in a crowd of 70,000+ people everyone manages to get along, give high fives and even talk a little smack to the "12th man" and cardinals fans over the last 2 weeks and everything still remain ...

Why I am not interested in winning the lottery.......

So there is this lottery that has the potential to offer a billion dollars to someone....I honestly have to say I have never purchased a lottery ticket and probably never will... I am somewhat bothered by the fact that the lottery total is what is taking over the US right now.....aren't there bigger issues Americans should be focused on? I am also bothered because it makes me sad that some think money is what makes them happy....there are such better things out there!! I have a few reasons for not caring about the lottery..... 1) we have everything we need without a billion dollars...therefore, I have already won the "lottery"...... 2) I truly don't want the responsibility of feeling the need to distribute such a large amount of money with those I love....because someone would be mad, hurt and probably never speak to me again, because it would never end fairly..... 3) its too much to think about....way too stressful, to (I am assuming) enjoy! Would...


WOW! It's been too long, again...I annoy myself when I let this sit and don't do anything with it....there have been several topics enter my head over the past few months, but honestly who had the time?!?! Which is where I intend on going with this.... How was your Thanksgiving? How was your Christmas? How was your New Year's? Can you believe all of those holidays are G-O-N-E?!?! It was like December 26th hit and the air deflated from that magical holiday ride I had been riding for a while....DONE, RIDE OVER, EXIT TO THE LEFT! Next stop 2016! All the hard work (well it felt like hard work to me)..... was over so quickly and what did you get out of it.....I was a little mad at myself because I felt like I was just constantly marking things off of the endless list and now that list is trash :( Christmas cards-check, gift buying-check, gift wrapping-check, teacher gifts-check, student gifts-check, meal planning and preparing-check, cleaning the kitchen 110 times-check, oh ...