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Showing posts from May, 2015

The stress of EOGs!

Happy Friday!!! I don't have much time today, but I wanted to post about this touchy subject because for The Derting's the stress of the dumb end of year testing has now diminished...and before we drift back to normal.....I wanted to share..... This has been a crazy, stressful week for many of us parents out there not to mention how our kids feel.....(an EOG is an end of grade test for 3rd-8th grades, an EOC is an end of course test for 9th-12th and now the good ol' state has added NC Finals for many courses 6th-12th)......all it truly means is STRESS, STRESS, STRESS.............. I know first hand from the teacher perspective how important "the test" says how "good" or "bad" you are as a teacher, your students scores measure the performance how good you have been teaching all year, right???....BUT this week I got the parent perspective as well.....Wednesday was the 1st day Bryson took his 1st ever EOG in Reading.....needless to ...

"keeping up with the ________" somewhat shifted to "bitter or better"

FINALLY, I feel like I have what I need to share this has been brewing in my head for months, but every time I tried to put it into words, they wouldn't come out... So often we find ourselves trying to "keep up with the __________" (others) fill in the blank....and often times if we feel like we don't have what someone else has we aren't good enough, or doing enough, or worthy enough.....and then that lust for whatever reason turns into resentment.....and over time that resentment turns into bitterness! **the definition of resentment is: feeling of bitterness!! I have been wanting to write about how there are things others have that I want....but for whatever reason its not meant to be or meant for me to have because if we all have it all then this world wouldn't be unique....I am talking small stuff to big stuff...maybe a cute necklace to the pool I dream about in the backyard...I have wants and they are often things that others have....B...