I am sitting here on the couch looking out the window,
stressed by the mess on the floor, but knowing how much I have learned this
week about myself, true friends, the meaning of POWER and how dang much we take
for granted…..
I will say that this has probably been one of the most
trying weeks of my life…..BUT I do realize in that how much of a blessed life I
have led if this is all that has made my life trying….
I had a VERY negative post ready to post on Wednesday, but
since the rest of this week has been as eventful as the beginning of the week…that
anger and that post will stay in draft mode b/c honestly it isn’t worth it!
Most know by my last entry that I have been moved to a new
school ….I will not share all of my emotions about this b/c it could take days
considering its been days and I still feel hurt, angry, upset, annoyed…the list
goes on, but I will stop there…..
I will say that it was not by choice nor did I ask for a
transfer, so the shock on Monday morning’s reality check was a slap in the
face. I have dedicated 6 years of my life to the Stony Point Community…8 years
total to Alexander County Schools and even watched my son be loved while at
school there. However, the negative that I still have from this, because I am
human and I would like to think that if I had so much control over someone else’s
life I would treat it with kindness, empathy and maybe even just a little
respect,……it will go away and in the end I will be a better, stronger person
who will be the one to benefit from this and to those that think they have
placed a roadblock in my way, will see
how it was a minuscule rock that I jumped over and kept going!!!
SO that was Monday and Tuesday’s mind frame….Wednesday we
stayed home and Bryson had some friends over and I will say I was a lump on the
couch trying to figure out my life….kind of wish I had vacuumed that day….but
hindsight is 20/20!
Thursday I decided I needed to step up and take my life back
b/c its mine not theirs…..so I took 4 kids to the grocery and out to lunch and
I will say they were 4 well-behaved kids that made this little challenge easy…..I
think I see that once you have 2 kids…anymore you add just fall into place, it isn’t
like the shock we experienced from 1 kid to 2!
I was frustrated Thursday when we got home from our outing b/c
the house was HOT (what I thought was hot)….we got this new AC unit back in
October and paid a pretty penny for it so I was hoping that this summer we
could actually sit with the blinds opened and cool air blowing from the vents,
but that has not been the case…
About 3:30 Thursday the AC guy came…he was very nice and
worked in the basement for about 20 minutes when the bottom fell out of the
mini hurricane that attacked Statesville…for some reason I was calm, which is
totally not a reaction I have during a storm…the power flickered, but came back
on and then again..but no luck this time of coming back on…I heard the wind and
it worried me that there could be a tornado so the kids and I went to the laundry
room and hid in the dark…..
When we came out I looked at the backyard and it looked fine…but
the front yard had a 40some year old tree across the driveway….I could’ve (and probably
did) thrown my hands up at that point and given in….what else this week…I am
done…I get it…lessons learned…give me a break….SO we waited patiently for
Brooks to come home from work…still no power….poor AC man still stuck in the basement…..
As we looked at this tree laying in the yard…I realized it
could have gone to the right instead of left and it would have hit the laundry
room…the one place I thought we were safe! SO again….LESSON LEARNED!!!
Thursday night was a little rough…I had roast in the oven,
that I honestly wasn’t sure was all the way cooked when we ate in on the living
room floor in the dark….and we slept with all the windows and doors opened just
to have some sort of breeze….and we were hummed to sleep by the sound of the
generator hooked up to keep the fish tanks going…..yeah those fish are important…..
Yesterday rolled around and still no power….afternoon still
no power…..I finally took a shower and dried my hair in the basement and put my
make-up on by the sunlight coming through the window…..night came and Brooks
called Energy United and they said at 10:30 by 11 we should have power….obviously
they didn’t mean 11 last night or this morning....
And that brings me to now…..sitting here realizing the
things that we take for granted and how they can be changed so quickly without
our control…..
I would like to say MANY of you have offered your homes,
your showers, your pools, your hugs, your love, your prayers…..this week and it
doesn’t go unappreciated! I have been very touched this week by many of you and
YOU know who you are…that has taken that extra step just to show you care!
Thank you from the bottom of my mending heart….much love as
always, Alysha
*****************************AND I am not lying as I typed
ALYSHA the power came back