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Showing posts from May, 2012

Happy 10 Months Britan Rae!

Look at 2 of accomplishing my goal ;) Life is good, when goals are accomplished!!! Today, just like yesterday, is all about Britan Rae! Today is her 10 Month Birthday! I mostly wanted to do this post because I honestly can't remember where the past 10 months have gone and can't believe that they have passed so quickly. So I wanted to do a quick recap of our sweet girl and some of her memorable moments so far!!! Month 1: Britan's 1st trip to the beach at 2 weeks :) Look how sweet this pink bundle of joy is! Month 2: This boy never knew how much he could love his little sister, but these two share a bond and love like no other!! Month 3: Such a girly girl :) Already eating baby food!  1st Halloween Month 4: A swimmer by month 4 & 1st Christmas Tree picking!! Month 5: Britan's 1st Christmas!! Sitting up by this month!! Christmas Morning Month 6: 1st Trip to TN...Such a water baby! Britan got her ear...

Please HELP us!

Hello ALL!!! I have been away from the "blogging" world for some time, but I am making a personal goal to complete some important posts this week! This is the 1st and the most urgent!!! Our SWEET, ADORABLE Britan is STILL NOT sleeping well at night!!!!!!!! For instance, last night she was back and forth between me and Brooks from 1 AM to 4 AM!!!!!!!!!!! What is wrong, what should we be doing, why can't/won't she SLEEP??!!! I posted several months ago about the "Magic of the Babywise Book" and that helped for approximately 2.2 seconds (MAYBE 3 weeks) and when I say it helped/worked, I mean she wasn't getting up ever hour and 1/2, she was only getting up every 4 hours, WHICH at the time was a HUGE improvement. BUT once we got her eating cycle regulated, her sleeping routine never quite reached PERFECT! And then we put her on a cruise ship for 3 nights and then "forced" her to have fun in Orlando for another 7 days (she really ha...