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Showing posts from February, 2012

The Baby Wise Magic!

To all the new moms and moms to be....... My little Britan Rae has not by any means mastered sleeping! And last Wednesday I realized something had to change because 6 straight months of MAYBE sleeping 5 nights all night, no interruptions during this time frame had taken a toll on this person that LOVES and MISSES sleep BADLY! Granted we have adjusted to not much sleep, but my mood and attitude have been severely affected by the loss of sleep...SO....I did some searching and came across the book Baby Wise, which I had looked at a couple of months ago, BUT I thought, I don't need a book to tell me what to do and it probably will not work anyway....wonder where we would be had I bought it months ago?????????? Brooks took the kids to Barnes and Nobles to find me this MAGIC book while I took a nice nap. When he got home I fumbled through skipping around trying to find the chapter that would make her sleep that night....eventually I started from the beginning and read 4 chapters...