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Showing posts from January, 2012

"Facing" My Blessings!

This is going to be long, just so you know from the get go, but I promise by the end it will come full circle hopefully for you as it has for me! This past week has not been the best of weeks for the Derting's. I have had a rough couple of weeks at work since Christmas break, don't get me wrong I LOVE my job, but it has been very trying lately. On Tuesday I had a meeting all day and I had this little bump on my chin and I squeezed and squeezed all day trying to get it to pop (there will be some gross parts, so beware) and it popped a little, but it was still there. By Tuesday night I had self diagnosed myself with a boil. I tried the old remedy from my Grandma to put a raw potato on it with a band aid on top. I did it for a couple of hours and nothing. Wednesday morning it was bigger and harder and still nothing would come out of it. It was almost on my jaw line and it had a little round place of dried blood (told ya, gross). So I went to work and took some Tylenol and kept...

Bryson's 1st "for real" 5.5k!

One thing that I would like to do with this new capture the many milestones that my sweet babies make. I did the whole scrapbook thingy with Bryson for his 1st few years, but honestly I wasn't that good at it and it took toooo long and made toooo big of a mess, so since this is my favorite outlet and technology is taking over the world I will try and share through our blog......... New Year's Eve has never meant much to us since we are not the partying type....but a few years ago we found the Tanglewood 5.5k at Midnight! As most of you know how special this place is to me, to actually have somewhere to go and celebrate with a nice brisk run in the dark with the lights shining is the best way for us to ring in the New Year! Brooks and I have run this race a few times in the past and we held off last year due to the fact that I was newly pregnant and not taking any chances, but I knew that it would be our plans this year..... Bryson has been running a little here an...