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Showing posts from April, 2011

Spring Break Accomplishments...

Well, today is the last day of the 2011 Spring Break Week for me.....a little sad knowing that I HAVE TO get up in the morning, but knowing its only for 31 more days will somehow make it easier. We have accomplished a lot this week including some much needed (and often required) nap times! We celebrated Good Friday and Easter in NMB....Friday was a day of the Pancake House for lunch, napping and shopping. For some VERY odd reason I NEVER like breakfast food, but recently have had cravings for bacon, eggs, and french toast, weird!!!! Mom and I did some more shopping on Saturday...she is a VERY bad influence on me....and I can only imagine the comment I will get for this statement ;) The Bunny found us at the beach and left lots of goodies for all of us...and over 70 eggs in the yard! Bryson was most impressed by some dinosaur egg that the Grand Bunny found for him (sadly this was probably the cheapest thing the bunny purchased and it had the MOST impact) has now hatched and we ha...

It's been a while!

Hey! How are you? I hope you are doing well! Its been a couple of weeks since I felt the need to write or the need to share my random thoughts and I have been patiently waiting for some sort of inspiration to write and today I found it! As many of you know I am a teacher to students with special needs....and I love my work and the smiles on the many faces I see everyday! Also, as most know, our state is in a state of crisis at this point trying to figure out a way to help the ones that can't balance the budget....the ones making the BIG bucks, who screwed the budget up in the first place! So here is today's dilemma that I am afraid may have more long lasting, negative effects than we are aware of at this moment.....our good ol' state legislatures are continuing to take from my child and yours as well, AGAIN! I am sure that you have heard the news and have figured out by now that CMS is in a much BIGGER debt boat than us here, but those kids and our kids are all suffering...